Question : Setting up of Textile Industry

(a) whether any special plan is being formulated for Tharu tribes in Valmiki Nagar, Bihar parliamentary constituency;

(b) if so, the details thereof; and

(c) whether the Government proposes to set up or is likely to set up a textile industry in Valmiki Nagar, Bihar and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): The government has taken following major initiatives/ measures in textile sector to boost exports, production, demand and job opportunities in the sector for all castes/tribes on pan-India basis including the State of Bihar.

i) To boost exports in MMF sector, Government has removed anti-dumping duty on PTA (Purified Terephthalic Acid), a key raw material for the manufacture of MMF fibre and yarn and also on Acrylic fibre, a raw material for yarn and knitwear industry.

ii) The Government has approved setting up of Seven PM Mega Integrated Textile Region and Apparel (PM MITRA) Parks in Greenfield/Brownfield sites including plug and play facility with an outlay of Rs. 4445 cr for a period of seven years upto 2027-28. These parks will enable the textile industry to become globally competitive, attract large investment and boost employment generation. The scheme will enable creation of global champions in exports.

iii) The Production Linked Investment scheme of Rs 10,683/- crore over a five-year period covering MMF and Technical Textiles sector has been announced which will create global champions in exports and domestic production in textile sector will also grow substantially.

iv) In order to make the textile sector competitive by rebating all taxes/levies in international market, Government has also given its approval for continuation of Rebate of State and Central Taxes and Levies (RoSCTL) on exports of Apparel/Garments and Made-ups till 31st March 2024.

(c): The Government does not set up / establish textile industries/units. The role of the Government is to ensure conducive policy environment, facilitating in creating enabling conditions for the industry and private entrepreneurs to set up units through its various policy initiatives and schemes for supporting the development of textile industry viz. the Amended Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (A-TUFS), Schemes for the development of the Powerloom Sector(Power-Tex), Schemes for Technical Textiles, Scheme for Integrated Textile Parks (SITP), Scheme for Additional Grant for Apparel Manufacturing Units under SITP (SAGAM), SAMARTH- The Scheme for Capacity Building in Textile Sector (SCBTS), Jute (ICARE- Improved Cultivation and Advanced Retting Exercise), Incentive Scheme for Acquisition of Plant and Machinery (ISAPM), Export Market development Assistance(EMDA), Retail Outlet of Jute Diversified Products and Bulk Supply Scheme, Integrated Processing Development Scheme (IPDS), Silk Samagra, National Handloom Development Programme, National Handicraft Development Programme, Integrated Wool Development Programme (IWDP), North East Region Textiles Promotion Scheme (NERTPS), National Technical Textile Mission, Scheme for Production and Employment Linked Support for Garmenting Units (SPELSGU) etc.

These schemes and initiatives which promote technology upgradation, creation of infrastructure, skill development and sectoral development in the textile sector, create a conducive environment and provide enabling conditions for textile manufacturing in the country and help in boosting the textile sector.

Further, financial assistance is provided to the eligible handloom agencies/weavers etc. for raw materials, Common infrastructure development, marketing of handloom products in domestic/overseas markets, loans at concessional rates, etc. Financial assistance of Rs.112.27 lakh in the form of grant in aid has been provided to the eligible handloom agencies/weavers etc. of Bihar during the last three years and current year for implementation of various projects/marketing events etc.

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