(a) the details of policy/programmes/ schemes initiated by the Government for generation of employment opportunities, particularly for the North-Eastern Region (NER) including Sikkim;

(b) the details of funds sanctioned/ released/utilised for the said purpose during each of the last three years and the current year, State-wise;

(c) the number of youths who have benefited from such programmes/ schemes during the said period, State-wise; and

(d) the other steps taken/proposed to be taken by the Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (d): The Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER), implements Capacity Building & Technical Assistance (CB&TA) Plan Scheme for skilling the unemployed youth for employability within North Eastern Region (NER) and also to promote entrepreneurship amongst the NER youths. For the Government sector, it trains mid-level functionaries to enhance their knowledge and to build their competencies for good governance. DoNER has been engaging Government institutes like Tool Rooms under Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprise, National Institute of Fashion Technology under Ministry of Textiles, Ashoka Institute of Hospitality and Tourism Management under Ministry of Tourism, Central Institute of Plastic Engineering Technology under Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers. The budgetary allocation for the scheme during the last 3 years including the current financial year has been Rs.20 crore per year. Programme supported under the Scheme are for the entire North East Region and state-wise data is not maintained by DoNER. The number of candidates trained under CB&TA are given below:

 Year	Amount utilized	No. of candidates	(in crore)	trained 2011-12	19.82	3260 2012-13	12.19	1405 2013-14	17.25	3550	(including NEC & NERLP) 

North Eastern Council (NEC) also implements skill development programmes for NER youths. Funds released for skill development in the last three years by NEC is as under:
 Year	Amount released	(Rs. In lakhs) 2011-2012	339.69 2012-2013	554.84 2013-2014	253.63 2014-2015	19.14 

North East Rural Livelihood Project (NERLP) is being implemented in the States of Mizoram, Sikkim, Nagaland & Tripura. Skill development is one of the components which has started in 2013-14 under this project. A total of Rs. 132.63 lakhs has been utilized upto June, 2014.

The Ministry of Labour & Employment has also taken steps for enhancing skill development in NE States by upgrading infrastructure in existing ITIs and approving a scheme for establishing new ITIs.

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