The Minister of State (IC) in the Ministry of CIVIL AVIATION
(Shri Hardeep Singh Puri)
(a) to (d): A statement is laid on the table of the House.
STATEMENT REFERRED IN REPLY TO PART (a) TO (d) OF THE LOK SABHA STARRED QUESTION No. 69 REGARDING REGISTRATION OF UAV BY DRONE OPERATORS TO BE ANSWERED ON 06.02.2020. (a) & (b): In order to facilitate the identification of civil drones and drone operators, a one-time opportunity for voluntary disclosure of such drones and drone operators had been provided. The conditions of No Permission-No Takeoff (NPNT) as envisaged in the Civil Aviation Requirements (CAR) are not mandatory for this purpose. Persons in possession of drones were requested to submit the required information to the Government. The submission of requisite information was facilitated by making the entire process online through a Digital Sky portal at https:/ Airports Authority of India has used the services of System Integrator to develop web portal for enlisting of drones. The developed enlistment portal with URL is in Government domain and is owned by Ministry of Civil Aviation. All persons in possession of drones were required to complete the process by 31st January 2020. On successful submission of voluntary disclosure of possessing drone, a Drone Acknowledgement Number (DAN) and an Ownership Acknowledgement Number (OAN) has been issued online which will help in validation of operations of drones in India. However, the DAN or OAN does not confer any right to operate drone(s) in India, if It does not fulfill the provisions given in the CAR. Further, ownership of drone(s) in India without a valid DAN or OAN shall invite penal action as per applicable laws. This database will be used to process each case as per the regulations by seeking further information, if required.; (c) to (d) The data provided is encrypted while storing and access to the data is with authorized persons only. All possible data security parameters have been taken care to prevent data leakage.
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