Question : Policy on Domestic and Overseas Flying

a) the extant policy of the Government on domestic and overseas flying in respect of regional connectivity, air cargo promotions and maintenance and repairs;

b) whether the Government proposes to revise the said policy;

c) if so, the details thereof;

d) whether the Government also proposes to frame up new norms or amend the existing norms for the local private airlines for domestic and overseas flying; and

e) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister

Minister of State in the Ministry of CIVIL AVIATION
(Dr Mahesh Sharma)

a) The extant policy on regional connectivity, Air cargo and Maintenance Repair and Overhaul services is as follows-
i) Regional Connectivity Scheme : With a view to provide remote and regional air connectivity, the Government had issued Route Dispersal Guidelines (RDG) in 1994, requiring all airlines to deploy capacity in remote and regional areas/air routes.
According to the RDGs, an airline is required to deploy 10% of its capacity deployed on 12 Category 1 routes on Category 2 routes, i.e. routes to J&K, North East, Andaman & Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep. In addition, an airline is required to deploy 10% of the capacity so deployed on Category 2A routes, which are the routes connecting airports within Category 2. An airline is also required to deploy at least 50% of the capacity deployed on Category 1 routes on any routes connecting airports within rest of the country, i.e. Category 3 routes. Further, with a view to expand air services to tier II and III cities, a separate category of air operator permit was introduced, i.e. Regional Scheduled Airlines. These airlines perform operation of flights within four geographical regions namely North, South, West and East
including North Eastern region.

(ii) Air Cargo Promotion - To promote cargo, the existing instructions are open sky policy for foreign cargo airlines entering India, allowing FDI upto 74% in cargo sector, low cargo handling charges at most of the AAI airports, etc. Besides, Ministry of Civil Aviation being the nodal Ministry for Air Cargo Industry has set up an Inter-Ministerial Air Cargo
Logistics Promotion Board with the members from various Ministries/Departments/Organizations to discuss various cargo related issues.

(iii) Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul : MROs are maintenance organizations approved by DGCA to perform the required maintenance of aircraft and aircraft engines/parts.At present, these organizations are regulated under Civil Aviation Requirements 145, which are based on international standards and are amended from time to time in line with international best practices.

d)&(e) The draft Policy (which is on Ministry''s website) aims at amending the norms for domestic and overseas flying by providing clarity under the Route Dispersal Guidelines (RDG) and liberalising code shareagreements and bilateral traffic rights.
Regarding the 5/20 rule, three options have been given.

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