(a) whether the Food Corporation of India (FCI) has allegedly been procuring poor quality foodgrains during the recent past;

(b) if so, the details thereof indicating the number of cases detected and quantum of poor quality foodgrains procured thereunder during each of the last three years and the current year, State-wise;

(c) whether any raids were conducted by CBI and other agencies against the officials of FCI during the said period; and

(d) if so, the details thereof and the corrective steps including action taken against the errant officials in this regard along with the current status of the cases/enquiries against them?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): No, Madam. Food Corporation of India (FCI) procures foodgrains of Fair Average Quality (FAQ) which meets the laid down Uniform Specifications. However, at the time of conducting checks by Senior Officers, some of the accepted rice stocks have been detected as Beyond Rejection Limits (BRL) of Uniform Specifications. Such rice stocks have been got replaced from the concerned rice millers,

(c) & (d): Yes, Madam.

Raids were conducted by CBI and other agencies against officials of FCI in various States. The details thereof along with action taken against officials by FCI and current status of cases are given at Annexure-I.

Emphasis is being laid on preventive vigilance as compared to punitive so that the irregularities are discouraged at initial level. A few initiatives taken are as under:-

1. Ensuring Fairness and Transparency in food grain procurement functions by introduction of pictorial depiction of refractions and bringing them in Public Domain.

2. Preventive measures against misappropriation / pilferage of food grain stocks taken by effective implementation of periodic Physical Verification (PV) of stock.

3. Ensuring Fairness and Transparency in Sales of Food Grain Stock etc.

4. Ensuring Scientific Management of foodgrain stocks at Depots and Book Keeping and penalizing the defaulters.

5. Emphasising on Order and Fairness in Labour Related Matters and procurement services.

6. Regular and surprise checks of field activities are undertaken by staff from Regional, Zonal, and Headquarters offices.

7. Officials in Doubtful Integrity List are not posted in sensitive seats.

8. Officials deployed in sensitive seats are rotated after a prescribed period of tenure.

9. The list of sensitive districts has been comprehensively reviewed and revised recently.

10. e-procurement has been successfully implemented in one Region and is now being extended across FCI in a phased manner.

11. E-payment has been introduced on a comprehensive scale.


As far as punitive vigilance is concerned, following measures are being taken to check corruption/irregularities/fraud in FCI:

1. Emphasis on investigation of complaints in time bound manner.

2. Issue of charge sheets in prima facie established cases after preliminary inquiry.

3. Finalization of departmental proceedings (major/minor) within the prescribed time limits as far as possible and imposition of appropriate penalties.

4. Review of pending complaints and disciplinary proceedings at the level of lower disciplinary authorities.

5. Exemplary punishment in cases involving conspiracy or misconduct by individual officers as a strategy to sabotage the system, in appropriate cases.

6. Reference to CBI/local police of cases where besides departmental action, criminal misconduct /nexus with outside parties is suspected.