Question : SEX RATIO

(a) The present sex ratio in the country, State-wise;

(b) Whether the national sex ratio has dropped from 945 in 1991 to 927 in 2001;

(c) If so, the reasons therefor;

(d) The steps taken by the Government to increase the sex ratio in the country;

(e) Whether the Government proposes to review policy to save the girl child; and

(f) If so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Present sex ratio of population in 2001 in the country is 933 females per 1000 males, State-wise sex ratio for 2001 Census is annexed.

(b)&(c) As per information furnished by Registrar General, India, national sex ratio has not declined. In fact, it has improved from 927 in 1991 to 933 in 2001.

(d) A number of steps have been taken by the Government like:-

(i) Setting up of National Inspection and Monitoring Committee,

(ii) Setting up of National Support and Monitoring Cell,
(iii) Sensitization of the Appropriate Authorities,
(iv) Sensitization of the Medical Community,
(v) Instruction on sale of Ultrasound Machines,
(vi) Awareness Generation against the practice of pre- natal determination of sex and female foeticide through Print and Electronic media,
(vii) Training of Judiciary,
(viii) Involvement of District Magistrates to review the implementation of the PC & PNDT Act.

(e)&(f) A ‘Save the Girl Child’ campaign with a view to lessen son preference by highlighting achievements of young girls has been launched by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. District Magistrates have also been requested to regularly review the implementation of the PC&PNDT Act alongwith other programmes in their district. Government of India has also formulated a detailed Media Campaign using TV, Radio and Print. Apart from this both Governments and NGOs are mobilizing social change through advocacy and community participation in programmes. A fifteen minute duration sponsored radio programme ‘Akash Hamara Hai’ is being aired which highlights issues concerning to women and children including declining sex ratio and its adverse impact on society. A 30 seconds duration spot on female foeticide, falling female sex ratio, is being telecasted from Doordarshan. A special campaign on female foeticide was telecasted from Doordarshan during September, October and November 2005 before Cricket test Match Series.


State/ Inida/State/ Union Sex ratio UTTerritory (females per 1,000 males)
1 2 6
INDIA 933 1 Jammu & Kashmir 892 2 Himachal Pradesh 968 3 Punjab 876 4 Chandigarh 777 5 Uttaranchal 962 6 Haryana 861 7 Delhi 821 8 Rajasthan 921 9 Uttar Pradesh 898 10 Bihar 919 11 Sikkim 875 12 Arunachal Pradesh 893 13 Nagaland 900 14 Manipur 978 15 Mizoram 935 16 Tripura 948 17 Meghalaya 972 18 Assam 935 19 West Bengal 934 20 Jharkhand 941 21 Orissa 972 22 Chhatisgarh 989 23 Madhya Pradesh 919 24 Gujarat 920 25 Daman & Diu 710 26 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 812 27 Maharashtra 922 28 Andhra Pradesh 978 29 Karnataka 965 30 Goa 961 31 Lakshadweep 948 32 Kerala 1,058 33 Tamil Nadu 987 34 Pondicherry 1,001 35 Andaman & Nicobar Islands 846 Sources: Census 1991 & 2001