Question : Funds Allocated for Development of Libraries

(a) the extent of development activities done for libraries by the Government during the last five years along with the State/UT-wise details thereof;

(b) whether the State/UT-wise amount allocated for the development of libraries has been sanctioned; and

(c) if so, the details thereof, State/UT-wise?

Answer given by the minister



(a) to (c) Sir, as per Seventh Schedule of the Constitution of India, Library is a State Subject and the development activity of libraries comes under the purview of the respective State/Union Territory authorities. However, Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation (RRRLF), Kolkata, an autonomous organization under Ministry of Culture provides financial assistance under its matching and non-matching schemes for development of public libraries for various purposes eg. purchase of books, furniture & equipments, modernization, construction of library buildings, mobile library services, establishment of children corner, facilities for specially-abled readers, seminars/workshops etc. on the basis of applications recommended by the respective State Library Authorities.

National Mission on Libraries (NML) implemented by RRRLF is providing financial assistance under its component ‘Setting up of NML Model Libraries’ to develop certain State Central Libraries, District Libraries and Libraries under the Ministry of Culture. Under NML ‘Capacity Building Programme’ for library professionals/workshop etc. are also organized.

The State/UT-wise amount sanctioned for development of libraries by RRRLF under its matching & non-matching schemes and NML during the last five years are given at Annexure–‘A’ & ‘B’ respectively.

Annexure- A

LSUSQ NO.1168 for reply on 10.02.2020

State/U.T. wise assistance provided under various Matching and Non-Matching schemes of RRRLF

Sl. No. NAME OF THE STATE 2018-2019 (Amount in Rs )
Non-Matching Assistance No. of Libraries Amount Matching Assistance No. of Libraries Amount (Central Share only)

1. ANDHRA PRADESH 18 5546604.09 71 3998986.50
2. ARUNACHAL PRADESH 29 7071038.10 30 4941506.70
3. ASSAM 34 9549261.46 0 855000.00
4. BIHAR 11 3193946.72 0 0.00
5. CHANDIGARH 0 0.00 2 2565450.60
6. GOA 3 765614.34 129 2148465.00
7. GUJARAT 39 9623649.15 2386 17779402.00
8. HARYANA 8 2465157.37 26 292637.40
9. HIMACHAL PRADESH 13 4005880.73 1029 160864.80
10. JAMMU & KASHMIR 8 2232012.70 140 10603017.60
11. JHARKHAND 4 1074434.01 0 0.00
12. KARNATAKA 30 7937681.12 376 26177856.50
13. KERALA 34 5348037.40 128 8053755.00
14. MADHYA PRADESH 42 12942076.21 0 0.00
15. MAHARASHTRA 128 19417049.84 1917 12011972.00
16. MANIPUR 7 2157012.70 478 22956055.20
17. MEGHALAYA 8 2465157.37 0 0.00
18. MIZORAM 19 3244512.70 518 10372437.00
19. NAGALAND 9 2839297.37 684 23460885.90
20. ODISHA 50 5819148.37 900 7673526.00
21. PUNJAB 5 1540723.36 0 0.00
22. RAJASTHAN 26 7878544.79 398 20864892.60
23. SIKKIM 4 1232578.69 20 10358362.80
24. TAMIL NADU 67 13201701.84 1045 47162694.50
25. TELENGANA 34 10476918.84 55 5254472.50
26. TRIPURA 6 1848868.03 45 7536609.90
27. UTTAR PRADESH 35 8669994.79 4 1676892.60
28. UTTARAKHAND 4 1232578.69 3 86657.40
29. WEST BENGAL 90 8374265.09 826 6076243.50

1. ANDAMAN & NICCOBAR 2 616289.34 0 0.00
2. CHHATISGARH 18 5546604.09 0 0.00
3. DAMAN & DIU 3 198070.00 0 0.00
4. DADAR & NAGAR HAVELI 0 0.00 0 0.00
5. DELHI 13 1267500.00 0 0.00
6. LAKSHADWEEP 1 308144.67 0 0.00
7. PONDICHERRY 3 924434.01 0 0.00
TOTAL 805 171014787.98 11210 253068644.00

Annexure- A
LSUSQ NO.1168 for reply on 10.02.2020

State/U.T. wise assistance provided under various Matching and Non-Matching schemes of RRRLF

Sl. No. NAME OF THE STATE 2017-2018 (Amount in Rs ) Non-Matching Assistance No. of Libraries Amount (Central Share only) Matching Assistance No. of Libraries Amount
(Central Share only)

1. ANDHRA PRADESH 15 3744129.92 8 301375.00
2. ARUNACHAL PRADESH 19 3919912.60 31 12683758.50
3. ASSAM 45 12028577.24 339 36890891.10
4. BIHAR 8 1996869.29 0 0.00
5. CHANDIGARH 0 0.00 5 4117522.20
6. GOA 2 299608.66 132 2375217.60
7. GUJARAT 41 5714857.57 2534 27759431.00
8. HARYANA 12 2995303.94 13 1344757.20
9. HIMACHAL PRADESH 13 3244912.60 657 3074355.60
10. JAMMU & KASHMIR 8 1996869.29 159 32631930.60
11. JHARKHAND 3 748825.98 0 0.00
12. KARNATAKA 30 5850165.89 518 54414698.50
13. KERALA 35 4091809.61 18 3312934.50
14. MADHYA PRADESH 26 6489825.20 0 0.00
15. MAHARASHTRA 76 13943992.81 2156 16259715.00
16. MANIPUR 15 2657953.63 320 20098645.20
17. MEGHALAYA 4 998434.65 99 1548438.30
18. MIZORAM 26 3160151.97 495 9178443.00
19. NAGALAND 8 1996869.29 713 40370197.50
20. ODISHA 47 7291317.92 900 8862430.80
21. PUNJAB 8 1996869.29 0 0.00
22. RAJASTHAN 28 6914013.86 449 20454245.40
23. SIKKIM 4 998434.65 13 5238387.00
24. TAMIL NADU 50 8951794.53 4609 49288250.50
25. TELENGANA 12 2779584.28 0 0.00
26. TRIPURA 6 1110934.65 48 14331854.70
27. UTTAR PRADESH 38 6737024.55 581 17935580.40
28. UTTARAKHAND 6 1273043.31 0 0.00
29. WEST BENGAL 118 10759473.57 3714 31109564.00

1. ANDAMAN & NICCOBAR 2 499217.32 0 0.00
2. CHHATISGARH 5 1248043.31 0 0.00
3. DAMAN & DIU 0 0.00 0 0.00
4. DADAR & NAGAR HAVELI 0 0.00 0 0.00
5. DELHI 9 600000.00 0 0.00
6. LAKSHADWEEP 1 249608.66 0 0.00
7. PONDICHERRY 3 748825.98 0 0.00
TOTAL 723 128037256.02 18511 413582623.60

Annexure- A
LSUSQ NO.1168 for reply on 10.02.2020

State/U.T. wise assistance provided under various Matching and Non-Matching schemes of RRRLF

Sl. No. NAME OF THE STATE 2016-2017 (Amount in Rs ) Non-Matching Assistance No. of Libraries Amount (Central Share only) Matching Assistance No. of Libraries Amount (Central Share only)

1. ANDHRA PRADESH 27 14575795.93 11 1509480.50
2. ARUNACHAL PRADESH 26 10275397.97 7 11699662.50
3. ASSAM 26 12038981.96 279 22053748.50
4. BIHAR 8 4477167.98 0 0.00
5. CHANDIGARH 1 559646.00 5 1955558.40
6. GOA 3 747146.00 152 672941.40
7. GUJARAT 57 13483698.95 2558 14382222.50
8. HARYANA 12 6715751.97 24 1034230.20
9. HIMACHAL PRADESH 13 7275397.97 655 3776094.00
10. JAMMU & KASHMIR 8 4477167.98 140 1115679.60
11. JHARKHAND 6 1795787.99 0 0.00
12. KARNATAKA 25 11959800.94 506 16358660.50
13. KERALA 29 7372157.97 17 3476893.50
14. MADHYA PRADESH 26 14550795.93 0 0.00
15. MAHARASHTRA 72 23963492.90 6063 11536489.00
16. MANIPUR 8 4218721.98 163 22447872.90
17. MEGHALAYA 4 2238583.99 101 3177689.40
18. MIZORAM 21 4827220.98 525 12447894.60
19. NAGALAND 8 4477167.98 756 30053768.40
20. ODISHA 28 9130169.96 900 8611776.00
21. PUNJAB 7 3917521.98 0 0.00
22. RAJASTHAN 31 16726249.93 85 16581460.80
23. SIKKIM 4 2238583.99 0 0.00
24. TAMIL NADU 72 26273388.93 4531 2978496.50
25. TELENGANA 0 0.00 0 0.00
26. TRIPURA 8 2802833.99 30 7136876.70
27. UTTAR PRADESH 41 13750745.94 1150 9974387.40
28. UTTARAKHAND 6 2873229.99 47 2979371.40
29. WEST BENGAL 112 15749462.95 3321 12313570.50

1. ANDAMAN & NICCOBAR 2 1119291.99 0 0.00
2. CHHATISGARH 5 2798229.99 1 7500000.00
3. DAMAN & DIU 0 0.00 0 0.00
4. DADAR & NAGAR HAVELI 0 0.00 0 0.00
5. DELHI 6 550000.00 0 0.00
6. LAKSHADWEEP 1 559646.00 0 0.00
7. PONDICHERRY 3 1678937.99 99 2962329.50
TOTAL 706 250198177.00 22126 228737154.70

Annexure- A
LSUSQ NO.1168 for reply on 10.02.2020

State/U.T. wise assistance provided under various Matching and Non-Matching schemes of RRRLF

Sl. No. NAME OF THE STATE 2015-2016 (Amount in Rs ) Non-Matching Assistance No. of Libraries Amount (Central Share only) Matching Assistance No. of Libraries Amount (Central Share only)

1. ANDHRA PRADESH 27 4075302.63 20 2738739.50
2. ARUNACHAL PRADESH 30 5675151.32 29 8544550.50
3. ASSAM 26 5940535.49 370 37847329.20
4. BIHAR 8 1230862.35 0 0.00
5. CHANDIGARH 1 153857.79 5 6297517.80
6. GOA 3 416357.79 152 2308133.40
7. GUJARAT 45 4269573.08 2498 21934126.00
8. HARYANA 13 1921293.52 1 36630.00
9. HIMACHAL PRADESH 13 2000151.32 655 2795680.20
10. JAMMU & KASHMIR 8 1230862.35 140 20693488.20
11. JHARKHAND 4 536573.38 0 0.00
12. KARNATAKA 27 3724781.67 7 612500.00
13. KERALA 28 3302656.94 115 5556546.00
14. MADHYA PRADESH 26 4000302.63 0 0.00
15. MAHARASHTRA 74 9764236.57 7891 18221437.00
16. MANIPUR 9 1493504.56 327 21624694.20
17. MEGHALAYA 4 615431.17 94 1995000.30
18. MIZORAM 12 1522846.76 480 8177556.60
19. NAGALAND 8 1230862.35 898 33595756.20
20. ODISHA 21 2895211.90 4 210927.00
21. PUNJAB 7 1077004.56 0 0.00
22. RAJASTHAN 27 4154160.43 5 1388853.00
23. SIKKIM 4 615431.17 14 6398003.70
24. TAMIL NADU 44 6125790.84 2218 20611057.00
25. TELENGANA 0 0.00 0 0.00
26. TRIPURA 6 765275.17 29 14935478.40
27. UTTAR PRADESH 27 3943621.46 1279 40624352.40
28. UTTARAKHAND 5 769288.97 47 94072.80
29. WEST BENGAL 99 7343997.08 5478 60016928.00

1. ANDAMAN & NICCOBAR 2 307715.59 16 2378697.00
2. CHHATISGARH 6 794288.97 0 0.00
3. DAMAN & DIU 0 0.00 0 0.00
4. DADAR & NAGAR HAVELI 0 0.00 0 0.00
5. DELHI 4 481250.00 0 0.00
6. LAKSHADWEEP 1 153857.79 0 0.00
7. PONDICHERRY 3 461573.38 0 0.00
TOTAL 622 82993610.98 22772 339638054.40
Annexure- A
LSUSQ NO.1168 for reply on 10.02.2020

State/U.T. wise assistance provided under various Matching and Non-Matching schemes of RRRLF

Sl. No. NAME OF THE STATE 2014-2015 (Amount in Rs ) Non-Matching Assistance No. of Libraries Amount (Central Share only) Matching Assistance No. of Libraries Amount (Central Share only)

1. ANDHRA PRADESH 34 5586544.43 7 1450000.00
2. ARUNACHAL PRADESH 14 2533097.22 25 7400029.50
3. ASSAM 19 3645204.05 966 14881394.70
4. BIHAR 9 1474213.67 0 0.00
5. CHANDIGARH 1 171776.71 5 807466.80
6. GOA 3 571776.71 151 440398.20
7. GUJARAT 27 3862107.47 2538 21088744.50
8. HARYANA 12 2061320.51 33 1749045.00
9. HIMACHAL PRADESH 13 2233097.22 655 1590685.80
10. JAMMU & KASHMIR 8 1374213.67 140 7026028.20
11. JHARKHAND 3 515330.13 0 0.00
12. KARNATAKA 26 4001085.89 515 19735379.50
13. KERALA 15 2448917.09 112 3822899.50
14. MADHYA PRADESH 26 4466194.43 75 466710.00
15. MAHARASHTRA 66 10267355.52 2647 22292543.00
16. MANIPUR 10 1499726.96 335 19606538.70
17. MEGHALAYA 4 687106.84 0 0.00
18. MIZORAM 6 1030660.25 484 12025269.00
19. NAGALAND 8 1374213.67 759 17760446.10
20. ODISHA 32 4286370.63 900 19972549.80
21. PUNJAB 7 1202436.96 0 0.00
22. RAJASTHAN 28 5161230.14 19 2586783.40
23. SIKKIM 4 687106.84 16 7828587.90
24. TAMIL NADU 32 5465244.72 4564 25437851.00
25. TELENGANA 0 0.00 0 0.00
26. TRIPURA 8 2419856.84 41 11250850.50
27. UTTAR PRADESH 24 4010147.60 1207 28310611.80
28. UTTARAKHAND 5 858883.54 47 5376024.00
29. WEST BENGAL 94 8089482.47 3465 28750893.00

1. ANDAMAN & NICCOBAR 2 343553.42 0 0.00
2. CHHATRISGARH 6 933883.54 1 7500000.00
3. DAMAN & DIU 0 0.00 0 0.00
4. DADAR & NAGAR HAVELI 0 0.00 0 0.00
5. DELHI 4 400000.00 0 0.00
6. LAKSHADWEEP 1 171776.71 0 0.00
7. PONDICHERRY 3 515330.13 0 0.00
TOTAL 554 84349245.98 19707 289157729.90

LSUSQ NO.1168 for reply on 10.02.2020
Annexure- B

Status/UT-wise details of amount sanctioned to modernize and upgrade the Libraries under National Mission on Libraries.

No Year of sanction State / UTs Library Name Amount Sanctioned (Rs. in Lakh)

1 2014-15 Arunachal Pradesh State Central Library, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh 223.00
2 -do- Arunachal Pradesh District Library, Phasighat, Arunachal Pradesh 87.00
3 -do- Chhattisgarh District Library, Dhantawada 87.00
4 -do- Chhattisgarh District Library, Raigarh 87.00
5 -do- Goa Krishnadas Shama State Central Library, Goa 223.00
6 -do- Goa Dr. Francisco Luis Gomes District Library, Goa 87.00
7 -do- Gujarat State Central Library, Gandhinagar 105.01
8 -do- Karnataka State Central Library, Bangalore, Karnataka 223.00
9 -do- Karnataka District Central Library, Shimoga, Karnataka 87.00
10 -do- Mizoram State Central Library, Aizwal, Mizoram 128.70
11 -do- Mizoram District Library, Kolasib, Mizoram 50.00
12 -do- Odisha H.K.M.State Library, Bhubaneswar, Odisha 223.00
13 -do- Odisha District Library, Ganajam, Odisha 40.36
14 -do- Rajasthan Dr. Radhakrishnan Rajya Kendriya Pustakalaya, Jaipur, Rajasthan 183.51
15 -do- Telangana State Central Library, Hyderabad, Telangana 112.25
16 -do- Telangana District Central Library, Mahabubnagar, Telangana 52.00
17 -do- Tripura Birchandra State Central Library, Tripura 223.00
18 -do- Tripura Unakoti District Library, Tripura 87.00
19 -do- Uttar Pradesh State Central Library, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh 206.00
20 -do- Uttar Pradesh Government District Library, Etawah, Uttar Pradesh 87.00
21 -do- West Bengal West Bengal State Central Library, West Bengal 222.81
22 -do- West Bengal North Bengal State Library, Coochbehar, West Bengal 86.98

LSUSQ NO.1168 for reply on 10.02.2020

1. 2015-16 Kerala State Central Library, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 116.61
2. -do- Manipur State Central Library, Imphal, Manipur 40.00
3. -do- Manipur District Library, Senapati, Manipur 20.00

1 2016-17 Andhra Pradesh State Regional Library, Guntur 50.00
2 -do- Andhra Pradesh Regional Library, Rajamundry 30.00
3 -do- Assam District Library, Jorhat, Assam 40.00
4 -do- Assam District Library, Guwahati, Assam 70.00
5 -do- Maharashtra District Library, Nandurbar, Maharastra 21.90
6 -do- Madhya Pradesh Govt. District Library, Khandwa 73.20
7 -do- Nagaland State Central Library, Kohima, Nagaland 177.49
8 -do- Nagaland District Library, Dimapur, Nagaland 73.81
9 -do- Pondicherry Romain Rolland Library, State Central Library, Puducherry 166.47
10 -do- Pondicherry Dr. S. R. Ranganathan Government Public Library, District Library, Karaikal 76.04
11 -do- Rajasthan Rajakiya Sarbajanik Mandal Pustakalaya, Kota, Rajasthan 63.46
12 -do- Sikkim Sikkim State Central Library 3.02
13 -do- Tamil Nadu District Library, Vellore, Tamil Nadu 87.00
14 -do- Tamil Nadu District Library, Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu 70.00

1 2017-18 Madhya Pradesh Govt. Shri Ahilya Central Library, Indore 87.00
2 -do- Maharashtra Govt. Divisional Library, Aurangabad 60.55

1 2018-19 Bihar District Central Library, Jamui, Bihar 81.41
2 -do- Himachal Pradesh Government District Library, Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh 86.87
3 -do- Uttarakhand Government District Library, Suman Pustakalaya, New Tehri, Uttarakhand 87.00
Total 4493.44

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