(a) whether the Government is aware of the irregularities which took place under Indira AwaasYojana (IAY) during the last three years and the current year, if so, the details thereof along with nature and type of said irregularities, State/UT wise;

(b) whether any observations on such irregularities have been made by any agencies including statutory bodies while auditing IAY, if so, the details thereof;

(c) whether the Government has held any talks with the concerned States in this regard, if so, the details thereof; and

(d) the corrective steps taken/to be taken by the Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a) On the whole, the Indira AwaasYojana(IAY) scheme is functioning satisfactorily in the country. The scheme is being implemented as per guidelines by the States/UTs. Some instances of irregularities in scheme implementation are reported which are mainly related to misappropriation of funds, allotment of houses to ineligible persons, release of funds to some other person’s account, bribe seeking and non-release of instalments in time. A state-wise list of complaints received under IAY for the last three years and current year is at Annexure-I.

(b) During the audit of the scheme, generally, the following irregularities were noticed:-

(i) Non-assessment of actual housing shortage in 14 States.

(ii) ineligible beneficiaries provided financial assistance in 27 States and 4 UTs.

(iii) delay in completion of houses in 48 selected districts of 9 States.

(iv) poor quality of construction & use of substandard material for construction.

(v) diversion of IAY funds to other schemes in 13 States & 2 UTs.

(vi) excess payment of Rs. 7.16 crore to IAY beneficiaries in 3 States.

(vii) weak monitoring & evaluation mechanism.

(viii) non-implementation of scheme for homestead sites by 13 sites.
(c) All the irregularities that come to the notice of the Government are discussed with the respective States for taking appropriate action during the Quarterly Performance Review Meetings.

(d) At the Central level, the scheme is closely monitored through various mechanisms and visits by the Area Officers. National Level Monitors (NLMs) are appointed and deputed for independent inquiry and monitoring of the scheme. The Ministry has constituted Vigilance and Monitoring Committees to review all the programme at State and District level. The meetings of the Committee chaired by Member of Parliament review the performance of the schemes of Rural Development at regular intervals including the scheme of Indira Awaas Yojana. Social Audit Units (SAU) set up by the State Government under MGNREGA are utilised for conduct of Social Audit of all components of IAY including implementation of the house site programme. Whenever, any complaint in respect or irregularities in the implementation of the scheme is brought to the notice of the Ministry, the matter is immediately taken up with the concerned State Government/UT. In the case of complaints received from VIPs, National Level Monitors (NLMs) on the panel of this Ministry are deputed to investigate the complaints. If irregularities are established, the concerned State Government is requested to take appropriate action.