(a) whether the Ministry of Finance has recently issued a Circular to all Ministries /Departments of the Government of India regarding economy in expenditure;

(b) if so, whether a number of Ministries/Departments have not taken any action on item G of para 1 of Circular;

(c) if so, the reasons therefor;

(d) whether a number of representations have been received in this regard;

(e) if so, the details thereof; and

(f) the action taken or proposed to be taken by the Government for implementing the economy measures in all the Government Departments?

Answer given by the minister

Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance (SHRI PA WAN KUMAR BANSAL)

(a) to (f) : Yes, Sir. Ministry of Finance has from time to time been emphasizing the need to observe utmost economy in Government expenditure. It has been the constant endeavour of the Government to contain the growth of non-Plan expenditure, while meeting the inescapable commitments of debt servicing, external & internal security, subsidies to the needy, salaries and pensions etc.. This is done with a view to increase the availability of resources for developmental programmes. Representations received for relaxation in individual cases are dealt with on the merits of each case. The reference to `item G of para 1` is not clear.