Question : National Nutrition Mission

(a) the aims and objectives of the National Nutrition Mission (NNM) implemented by the Government;
(b) the budgetary allocation made under the mission during each of the last three years and the success achieved as a result thereof;
(c) the progress and achievements made under the mission in the light of targets set in the results framework document;
(d) whether the mission is under implementation in all the identified States/ districts and if so, the details thereof, State/ UT-wise including Tamil Nadu;
(e) whether the programmes being implemented by various Ministries/ Departments to address the issue of malnutrition are properly coordinated and monitored by the mission; and
(f) if so, the details thereof along with the measures contemplated to tackle the issue in a more effective manner?

Answer given by the minister


(a): During the XII Five Year Plan, National Nutrition Mission had two components, namely,

(i) Information, Education and Communication (IEC) campaign against malnutrition was launched with an aim to create awareness about nutrition challenges and promote home level feeding practices, a nationwide Information, Education and Communication (IEC).

(ii) Multi-sectoral Nutrition programme to address Maternal and Child Under-Nutrition in 200 high-burden districts, was aimed at prevention and reduction in child undernutrition (underweight prevalence in children under 3 years of age) and reduction in levels of anaemia among young children, adolescent girls and women.

(b): The budgetary allocations made and funds utilized under the National Nutrition Mission (NNM) during 2012-13 to 2015-16 are as below:

Financial Year Budget Estimates
(Rs in crore) Revised Estimates
(Rs in crore) Expenditure
(Rs in crore)
2012-13 250.00 83.00 55.69
2013-14 300.00 200.00 123.00
2014-15 300.00 20.00 20.00
2015-16 205.79 65.00 --

(c): The IEC campaign was a national level media campaign launched with an aim of creating awareness about nutrition challenges and the importance of optimal nutrition, creating an enabling environment to mobilize communities to prevent malnutrition, promoting home level care and behaviour orientation for appropriate infant and young child feeding practices, child care and development, optimal nutrition and care during pregnancy and lactation, and better utilization of available services. The campaign was implemented in four stages and was completed during the year 2014-15. The Multi-sectoral Nutrition Programme, however, could not be implemented.

(d) to (f): The National Nutrition Mission was not mandated to coordinate and monitor the schemes implemented by various Ministries/Department.

However, presently this Ministry is implementing schemes like Anganwadi Services, Scheme for Adolescent Girls and Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana under the Umbrella Integrated Child Development Services Schemes direct targeted interventions to address the problem of malnutrition in the country besides the nutrition education and awareness programmes of the Food and Nutrition Board (FNB) of the Ministry.

All these schemes address one or other aspects related to nutrition and have the potential to improve nutritional outcomes in the country.


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