(a) the existing production level of crude oil in the country;

(b) whether such production level, has been meeting the requirement of all oil refineries in the country;

(c) if so, the details thereof and if not the steps taken to enhance this level;

(d) whether the Government propose to import crude oil to meet the requirement of existing refineries of country; and

(e) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister

Minister of State in the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas(Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar)

(a): The crude oil production during 1999-2000 has been about 32 MMT.

(b & c): No, Sir.
The shortfall in indigenous crude oil supplies has to be met from imports. The following steps have been taken to enhance the production level of crude oil in the country:-

(i) Optimizing production from existing fields through better reservoir management, 3-D seismic surveys, infill drilling, pressure maintenance, installation/optimization of artificial lift system and use of advanced and cost effective technologies and improvement in recovery factor.

(ii) Faster development of new discovered oil fields.

(iii) Finding new hydrocarbon reserves through intensified exploration activities such as:-

+ Exploration at greater depths in existing fields.
+ Extending exploration activities to deep waters and frontier areas.
+ Increased private participation in exploration activities through implementation of New Exploration Licensing Policy.

(d) & e): The imports of crude oil for meeting the requirements of public sector oil refineries are estimated to be about 46.957 MMT during 2000-2001.