Question : IMPORT OF TEA

(a) whether the Government propose to import tea during this year ;

(b) if so, the reasons therefor ;

(c) the details of demand and supply of tea in the country during each of the last three years ;

(d) whether the Government have received any representation from the tea exporters regarding import of tea should be allowed in such a way that it actually encourage greater exports, particularly value added variety;

(e) if so, the details thereof ;

(f) whether there is great demand of Indian Teas in U.K. and certain other parts of Europe; and (g) if so, the steps taken to tap the foreign market for tea export ?

Answer given by the minister


(a)&(b): No sir. Government do not propose to import tea directly.

(c): The details of demand and supply of tea in the country during the last three years were as follows :

( in Mn. kgs)
Opening stock
Domestic consumption

(+) 100.21 810.61 203.00 633 1998

(+) 74.82 870.40 210.34 645 1999

(+) 89.88 805.61 190.18 655
( Source: Tea Board )

(d)&(e) Import of tea is allowed only against import licence subject to the conditions of re-export & achievement of minimum value addition under the Duty Exemption Scheme and EOU/EPZ Scheme. However, Government have permitted free import of tea from SAARC Countries in order to give a fillip to intra-regional trade.

(f) & (g) : Yes Sir. With the view to promote export of tea and to tap foreign markets, Government and the Tea Board have been analysing country-wise exports of tea giving special attention to areas offering potential. Tea Board also acts to remove bottlenecks in exports to individual markets whenever these are noticed. Certain other steps taken to increase exports of tea include :-

i) participation in major trade fairs/exhibitions abroad ; ii) field sampling at speciality stores and in principal markets. iii)media campaign to increase consumer awareness of the speciality of Indian teas and to popularise the Tea Board marketing symbol which stands for pure Indian tea. iv)exchange of tea delegations between India and tea importing countries.