(a) whether the Government has any plan/scheme for improving the road connectivity in the North Eastern Region;

(b) if so, the details of the ongoing and the new projects proposed to be taken up under the said scheme;

(c) whether the Government proposes to construct a bridge connecting the Dudpati area with Silchar in Assam; and

(d) if so, the details thereof and the time by which survey relating to the said project is likely to be completed and construction work is commenced?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): The Ministry is primarily responsible for development & maintenance of National Highways. Under National Highway Development Project –II, 4-laning of 678 km length National Highway from Srirampur to Silchar in Assam has been taken up as part of the East West corridor at an investment of about Rs 6000 crore. This 4-lane highway would connect the North Eastern region with rest of the country through a high speed high capacity route.

Improvement to 4-lane of 706km length of stretches of National Highways is proposed under National Highway Development Project -III on Build, Operate & Transfer (BOT) basis, to complete 4-lane connectivity to all state capital towns of North East, except Gangtok.

Ministry has formulated a Special Accelerated Road Development Programme in North East for improvement of 9940 km long road stretches of National Highways and State Roads to complete 2-lane connectivity to all District Headquarters of North East. This will also improve the road connectivity of backward, remote and border areas of the region. This will lead to improvement of the identified stretches of the National Highways to 2-lane & 4-lane standards.

Details of road stretches proposed under East West Corridor, National Highway Development Project -III and Special Accelerated Road Development Programme are laid on the table of the house as Annexure-I, II & III.

The Ministry has also sanctioned under annual plans estimates for improvement of several stretches of National Highway under its regular scheme called NH (O) to upgrade such stretches and keep them traffic worthy.

The Ministry has also approved a number of estimates for improvement & construction of stretches of State Roads under Central Road Fund (CRF) and the schemes of Interstate Connectivity (ISC) and Economic Importance (E&I).

(c) & (d): No, Sir. The bridge connecting Dudpati area with Silchar in Assam does not fall on any National Highway, nor has Ministry approved any estimate for construction of this bridge under CRF and the schemes of ISC and E&I.