Question : Petrol Pumps with Green Fuel Facilities

(a) the details of the number of petrol pumps having facilities for marketing at least one new generation alternate fuels like Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), Biofuels, Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), Electric Vehicle (EV) charging points etc. in addition to conventional fuels, State-wise;

(b) the details of the number of petrol pumps that have operationlised facilties specifically for EV charging stations, State-wise;

(c) whether the Government has implemented any specific policy or has set any deadline for all petrol pumps across the country to provide facilities for such new generation alternate fuels including EV charging stations; and
(d) if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (d) Government vide resolution dated 08.11.2019 has revised the guidelines for granting authorization to market transportation fuels i.e. MS/HSD, which inter-alia, state that in addition to conventional fuels, the authorized entities and the Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) are required to install facilities for marketing at least one new generation alternate fuels at their proposed retail outlets within three years of operationalization of said outlet. Further, the entities authorized under Resolution dated 08.03.2002 & 10.08.2015 are also required to install facilities for marketing atleast one new generation alternate fuels at their proposed Retail Outlets (ROs) after 08.11.2019.

The details of State/UT wise, Public Sector OMCs’ retail outlets having facility of at least one new generation alternate fuels as on 01.01.2022 and OMCs’ retail outlets having facility of Electric Vehicle Charging station as on 01.01.2022 is annexed.


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