(a) the estimated number of foreign tourists likely to visit the country and foreign exchange earned thereby during 2013;

(b) whether the Government maintains any data regarding the countries from which maximum foreign tourists visited India;

(c) if so, the names of such countries and their share of foreign visit during each of the last three years;

(d) whether the Government has identified monsoon and winter tourism destinations in the country during the said period; and

(e) if so, the details thereof, State/UT-wise and the measures being taken/to be taken by the Government to boost tourist inflow in the country?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Ministry of Tourism (MoT) has not made any projection of FTAs for the year 2013. However, the number of Foreign Tourist Arrivals (FTAs) in India during January and February, 2013 were 0.70 million (Provisional) and 0.69 million (Provisional), respectively.

The Foreign Exchange Earnings (FEEs) through tourism in India during January and February, 2013 were Rs.10,398 crore (Provisional) and Rs.10,186 crore (Provisional), respectively.

(b) and (c) MoT compiles the Nationality-wise FTAs in India. The FTAs from top 10 source markets and their percentage share during 2009, 2010 and 2011 are given in Annexure. This information is not available for 2012.

(d) and (e) Development and promotion of tourism, including identification of the monsoon and winter tourism destinations, is primarily the responsibility of State Governments/UT Administrations. The Ministry of Tourism provides Central Financial Assistance (CFA) to the State Governments/UT Administrations for tourism projects, identified in consultation with them, on the basis of proposals received from them, subject to availability of funds and inter-se priority.

The Ministry of Tourism, Government of India, as part of its on-going activities releases print, electronic and online media campaigns, under the ‘Incredible India’ brand-line, to promote India as a holistic destination in the domestic and international markets covering tourist destinations and products in all States/Union Territories of the country. The holistic promotion includes promotion of various Indian tourism products and destinations. Besides, the Ministry through its overseas offices, interalia organises Road Shows, Workshops; participates in various Fairs, Exhibitions and Events to promote various Indian tourist destinations and products.

The Ministry of Tourism also provides financial assistance to stakeholders for promotion of tourism in the international and domestic markets under the Market Development Assistance (MDA) Scheme.