(a) whether IFCI, IDBI and Oriental Bank of Commerce have extended huge
loans to a company, Sunair Hotels Limited, Delhi;
(b) if so, the extent thereof;
(c) whether the above company has defaulted in its repayment of principal
and interest for IFCI;
(d) whether inspite of the IFCI has already granted additional loans to Sunair
besides reducing the interest rate and has converted the interest due on
its loans into fresh loans, instead of recalling the loan with penal interest;
(e) if so, the reasons therefor and action taken against officials responsible for
such imprudent investment of public funds;
(f) whether IFCI has ensured adherence and compliance by Sunair to its loan
conditionality of depositing the rentals from the Commercial Complex of
the project in an escrow account; and
(g) if not, the action taken by IFCI against it?