(a): The details of natural gas imported along with expenditure incurred during the last three
years and the current year are as under:
Financial Year Quantum of natural Expenditure gas imported (in million USD) # (in MMT)
2010-11 10.37 2797.68
2011-12 13.399 5057.76
2012-13 13.431 5925.81
2013-14 (upto 8.66 4182.23
November 2013)
# Does not include the expenditure incurred by Hazira LNG Pvt. Ltd. (HLPL).
(b) & (c): Yes, Madam. India is pursuing Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI)
pipeline project to get natural gas supply from Turkmenistan via Afghanistan and Pakistan.
The pipeline will carry 90 MMSCMD of natural gas, out of which India and Pakistanâs share is
38 MMSCMD each and Afghanistanâs share is 14 MMSCMD.
(d) & (e): Under the Production Sharing Contract (PSC) regime a total of 99 gas discoveries
have been made till date in onland and offshore areas of the country, the details of which
are as under:
State/Area Gas Discoveries Gas Discoveries on Production
Western Offshore 12 3
Eastern Offshore 65 3
Andaman-Nicobar 1 -
Offshore Total 78 6
Assam 1 -
Gujarat 6 3
Rajasthan 8 2
Mizoram 1 -
Tamil Nadu 1 -
Tripura 4 -
Onland Total 21 5
Grand Total 99 11
The steps being taken to ensure energy security of the country are as under:
(i) Offering more areas for exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons through New Exploration
Licensing Policy (NELP)/Open Acreage Licensing Policy (OALP) bidding rounds.
(ii) Pursuing alternate sources of energy such as Coal Bed Methane (CBM), Shale gas/Shale oil
and Gas Hydrates.
(iii) Introducing various guidelines/policies such as, allowing exploration in Mining Lease (ML), area after the expiry of exploration period and submission of Integrated Field Development Plan (IFDP) for early monetization of hydrocarbon discoveries.
(iv) Clearance and exploration and development of some NELP blocks where the same was held up by various agencies.
(v) Acquisition of overseas oil and gas assets.