Question : Placement in Skill India Mission

(a) the amount of funds allocated to the Skill India mission nationally since its inception till date state-wise, year wise;

(b) the placement percentage attained across the country at an aggregate as well as state level and the Government’s placement targets, year wise from inception till date;

(c) the reasons for low placement rate of the programme;

(d) the details of the Skill Centres located State-wise, including the number of such centres, enrolment rates across different training modules, placement rates, and other functional details;

(e) whether the Government has evaluated how the focus on short-term skill courses under the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) programme has led to a high number of certifications but low employment rate under the scheme;

(f) if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor?

Answer given by the minister

(a) Under Skill India Mission, the Ministry of Skill Development (MSDE) hasbeen delivering short term skills through Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY), Jan Shikshan Sansthan (JSS) Scheme and National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme (NAPS), and long term skills through Craftsman Training Scheme (CTS) through Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs), to all section of the society across all over India. Since 2015, a comprehensive Skill India network has been created viz PMKVY 1.0, PMKVY 2.0 and PMKVY 3.0 training centres (including Pradhan Mantri Kaushal) (30,100), Jan Shikshan Sansthans (304), Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) (14722) and through various registered enterprises(1,43,444) in NAPS scheme and trained more than 351 lakh candidates. Funds allocated by Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) for Skill India Mission during the last five (5) years stands at Rs. 14,211.84 crore. As per details available in respect of 11 major Ministries/Departments an amount of more than Rs 12,850 crore has been allocated during last 5 years.The fund allocation in the Ministry is made scheme wise and not state-wise. The details of fund allocated to the Skill India Mission under MSDE year wise during last five years is attached at Annexure-I. The 11 major Ministries/Departments are those of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) , Rural Development (RD), Housing & Urban Affairs (H&UA), Social Justice & Empowerment (SJ&E), Textiles, Youth Affairs & Sports, Tourism, (D/o) Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade, Mines, (D/o) Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries and (D/o) Public Enterprise.

(b) PMKVY:Placement percentage attained across the country at an aggregate as well as state level underPMKVY is attached atAnnexure II (1-2).As per the Third Party Evaluation Report on PMKVY 2.0 (2016-20), it was found thataverage monthly income of PMKVY trained and certified individuals was 15% higherthan the comparison group. Moreover, 76% of the candidates acknowledged that afterthe training, they have better chance of getting employment.
JSS: The objective of training imparted under JSS is to link the individuals for gainfullivelihood and supplement their family income through self-employment and wageemployment. The providing of employment/placement to the beneficiaries is not themandate of the JSS Scheme. As far as the employment of the JSS schemebeneficiaries is concerned, third party evaluation report of the scheme has mentioned, “It is finally observed that as an impact of the training programme conductedat JSSs, the self and wage employment and private job have become evident”. Theusefulness of the scheme would be further self-evident from the fact that same reporthas mentioned that 77.05% of the beneficiary trainees have under gone occupationalshifts.
ITIs: The final report of Tracer Study of ITI Graduates (published in January 2018 bythe Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship, GoI) mentions that 63.5% of totalITI pass-outs got employed (wage+ self, out of which 6.7% are self-employed) and36.4% remained unemployed and was looking for jobs.
NAPS:Since, NAPS is an apprenticeship related scheme, no placement is tracked.
(c) NITI Aayog has done a quick assessment study of the PMKVY 2.0. The report of NITI Aayog highlighted a mismatch between industry requirement and candidate expectation. In addition, National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), an implementing agency of PMKVY, has also engaged a third-party agency, Sambodhi Research and Communications Pvt. Ltd., for the impact evaluation of PMKVY 2.0. This report highlighted about 15% increase in average monthly salary under STT and 19% under RPL. Under RPL, 70% participants reported for better chance of finding employment. This report also suggested for stronger role of State Skill Development Missions (SSDMs) for better implementation of scheme. Based on the above said studies and learning from the implementation of PMKVY 2.0, Ministry has launched a modified version of PMKVY, i.e., PMKVY 3.0 on 15.01.2021 with a demand-driven and bottom-up approach. The Placement of skilled persons cannot be captured in a single measure since not every skilled person goes for new employment. They may be already employed or self-employed and may be undergoing training for skill up gradation for a betterment in terms of income prospects.

(d) The details of the Skills centers State-wise, including the number of such centers is attached at Annexure III. Enrolment and Placement details including all the training modules under PMKVY is attached at Annexure IV. For JSS, NAPS, ITIs details of enrolled candidates are attached at Annexure V,VI and VII respectively. The placement details under JSS, NAPS and ITIs are mentioned at part (b) above.

(e) & (f) Under PMKVY, Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)is a skill certi?cation component to enable Indian youth to obtain industry relevant skill certification of their existing skills so as to help them to secure a better livelihood. Individuals with prior learning experience or skills register themselves and get assessed and certi?ed under the RPL. Since RPL involves the process of certification of skills already existing in workers, it (RPL) is not linked with placements; the workers are presumed to be employed already.

MSDE Scheme-Wise Budget Allocation during last five years
Scheme Financial Allocation ( ? in crore)

Central Sponsored Scheme ; 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

1. Development of Skill 1357.00 1590.00 2154.34 2400.00 1590.50 9091.84

2. Development of Entrepreneurship 50.00 87.86 87.86 37.25 39.01 301.98

3. Promotion of Apprenticeship 279.17 1151.40 746.39 61.25 73.02 2311.23

4. Strengthening of Infrastructure for Institutional Training 50.00 50.00 240.00 125.15 86.00 551.15

5. Strengthening of Skill Institutions 0.00 0.00 0.00 33.00 17.50 50.5

6. Support to Regulatory Institutions (NCVE&T) 34.66 45.00 44.75 20.00 20.00 164.41

7. Skill Acquisition and Knowledge Awareness for Livelihood Promotion (SANKALP ) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 500

8. Skill Strengthening for Industrial Value Enhancement (STRIVE) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 400.00 400

Total of Schemes 1770.83 2924.26 3273.34 2676.65 2726.03 13371.11

Establishment 33.45 91.88 126.66 312.56 276.18 840.73

Grand Total 1804.28 3016.14 3400.00 2989.21 3002.21 14211.84

Annexure-II (1)
(PMKVY 1.0, PMKVY 2.0 & PMKVY 3.0 PAN India update as per SIP reports till 31-Dec-2021)
Scheme Component TrainingType No. of Training Centres Enrolled Trained / Oriented Certified Reported Placed % Placed
PMKVY 1.0 CSCM Short Term Training (STT) 12,218 18,04,206 18,04,206 13,32,479 2,53,296 19.0%
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) NA 1,81,810 1,81,810 1,19,157 NA NA
PMKVY 1.0 Total 19,86,016 19,86,016 14,51,636 2,53,296 19.0%
PMKVY 2.0 CSCM Short Term Training (STT) 9,030 41,08,474 38,11,178 31,84,945 18,05,076 56.7%
Special Projects (SPL) 1,975 2,32,554 2,13,341 1,51,869 82,931 54.6%
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) NA 62,72,669 61,41,611 50,94,569 NA NA
CSCM Total 1,06,13,697 1,01,66,130 84,31,383 18,88,007 56.6%
CSSM Short Term Training (STT) 4,106 8,63,887 8,25,284 6,39,417 2,10,979 33.0%
Special Projects (SPL) 40 6,882 6,787 4,712 2,523 53.5%
CSSM Total 8,70,769 8,32,071 6,44,129 2,13,502 33.1%
PMKVY 2.0 Total 1,14,84,466 1,09,98,201 90,75,512 21,01,509 52.8%
PMKVY 3.0 CSCM Short Term Training (STT) 683 89,032 79,648 49,587 12,464 25.1%
Special Projects (SPL) 941 1,08,982 93,807 62 29 46.8%
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) NA 1,59,197 1,56,628 65,882 NA NA
CSCM Total 3,57,211 3,30,083 1,15,531 12,493 25.2%
CSSM Short Term Training (STT) 984 64,729 48,198 25,539 2,957 11.6%
Special Projects (SPL) 123 6,347 5,783 145 - 0.0%
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) NA 70,264 61,261 31,667 NA NA
CSSM Total 1,41,340 1,15,242 57,351 2,957 11.5%
PMKVY 3.0 Total 4,98,551 4,45,325 1,72,882 15,450 20.5%
PMKVY 1.0 + PMKVY 2.0 + PMKVY 3.0 Total 1,39,69,033 1,34,29,542 1,07,00,030 23,70,255 44.0%

*RPL orients candidates and doesn''t mandate placements.

State-wise Placement Percentage as on 31.12.2021:
FY-15-16 FY-16-17 FY-17-18
TC State Certified Reported Placed Placement % Certified Reported Placed Placement % Certified Reported Placed Placement %
Andaman And Nicobar Islands 20 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% - - 0.0%
Andhra Pradesh 87255 16774 19.2% 16754 1855 11.1% 39,608 21,410 54.1%
Arunachal Pradesh 426 29 6.8% 185 59 31.9% 25 - 0.0%
Assam 15241 3299 21.6% 3301 454 13.8% 19,979 7,430 37.2%
Bihar 48304 10360 21.4% 11338 1697 15.0% 52,484 15,817 30.1%
Chandigarh 3134 244 7.8% 749 152 20.3% 1,011 498 49.3%
Chhattisgarh 19084 1005 5.3% 6737 346 5.1% 14,803 3,395 22.9%
Delhi 40549 4047 10.0% 14132 1197 8.5% 53,928 18,342 34.0%
Goa 284 213 75.0% 0 0 0.0% 608 411 67.6%
Gujarat 26439 2643 10.0% 4557 509 11.2% 17,890 7,627 42.6%
Haryana 47759 7063 14.8% 12580 1215 9.7% 1,12,467 39,529 35.1%
Himachal Pradesh 14325 1841 12.9% 3567 317 8.9% 7,412 2,443 33.0%
Jammu And Kashmir 9144 274 3.0% 4187 0 0.0% 30,046 12,575 41.9%
Jharkhand 14771 1566 10.6% 5077 289 5.7% 12,469 4,509 36.2%
Karnataka 43491 11992 27.6% 10884 1989 18.3% 22,432 5,817 25.9%
Kerala 9854 1300 13.2% 1373 187 13.6% 14,479 4,960 34.3%
Ladakh 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% - - 0.0%
Lakshadweep 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% - - 0.0%
Madhya Pradesh 89611 18600 20.8% 30133 4109 13.6% 1,13,048 39,104 34.6%
Maharashtra 49207 9775 19.9% 11217 1069 9.5% 33,981 10,803 31.8%
Manipur 900 423 47.0% 221 76 34.4% 942 370 39.3%
Meghalaya 402 92 22.9% 49 18 36.7% 2,043 859 42.0%
Mizoram 679 77 11.3% 15 16 106.7% - - 0.0%
Nagaland 544 42 7.7% 345 64 18.6% 1,310 808 61.7%
Odisha 31096 9340 30.0% 7224 1090 15.1% 32,866 10,648 32.4%
Puducherry 4928 823 16.7% 1179 81 6.9% 1,954 1,150 58.9%
Punjab 40026 7998 20.0% 14354 2632 18.3% 63,836 22,616 35.4%
Rajasthan 70161 11858 16.9% 17803 1366 7.7% 1,37,124 48,464 35.3%
Sikkim 326 13 4.0% 83 0 0.0% 472 79 16.7%
Tamil Nadu 99524 37539 37.7% 16366 7213 44.1% 71,004 40,049 56.4%
Telangana 67834 18080 26.7% 12268 2843 23.2% 58,128 30,833 53.0%
The Dadra And Nagar Haveli And Daman And Diu 243 178 73.3% 100 29 29.0% - - 0.0%
Tripura 9074 4975 54.8% 808 260 32.2% 4,366 1,714 39.3%
Uttar Pradesh 154866 21160 13.7% 43263 3277 7.6% 1,95,424 70,769 36.2%
Uttarakhand 8558 1132 13.2% 1507 48 3.2% 16,616 5,357 32.2%
West Bengal 64916 13264 20.4% 17396 1099 6.3% 53,793 24,690 45.9%
Total 1072975 218019 20.3% 2,69,752 35,556 13.2% 11,86,548 4,53,076 38.2%

FY-19-20 FY-20-21 FY-21-22
TC State Certified Reported Placed Placement % Certified Reported Placed Placement % Certified Reported Placed Placement %
Andaman And Nicobar Islands 810 124 15.3% 583 - 0.0% 425 - 0.0%
Andhra Pradesh 38,548 25,486 66.1% 18,526 7,555 40.8% 4,350 6,241 143.5%
Arunachal Pradesh 9,873 2,943 29.8% 13,336 2,774 20.8% 2,966 5,068 170.9%
Assam 36,025 19,374 53.8% 32,176 9,926 30.8% 8,789 9,108 103.6%
Bihar 64,123 35,336 55.1% 25,860 11,493 44.4% 19,482 10,913 56.0%
Chandigarh 4,593 1,661 36.2% 2,063 1,851 89.7% 164 333 203.0%
Chhattisgarh 19,895 9,724 48.9% 867 1,222 140.9% 1,686 88 5.2%
Delhi 29,214 11,881 40.7% 15,540 7,510 48.3% 6,357 2,163 34.0%
Goa 954 198 20.8% 482 17 3.5% 124 45 36.3%
Gujarat 54,012 32,230 59.7% 13,147 10,911 83.0% 6,532 1,802 27.6%
Haryana 55,586 30,884 55.6% 13,233 7,957 60.1% 3,775 3,722 98.6%
Himachal Pradesh 23,375 10,101 43.2% 7,025 2,021 28.8% 3,357 1,436 42.8%
Jammu And Kashmir 37,775 12,203 32.3% 14,043 7,556 53.8% 2,638 1,887 71.5%
Jharkhand 21,598 9,186 42.5% 1,352 1,606 118.8% 9,483 533 5.6%
Karnataka 35,396 20,845 58.9% 25,860 5,030 19.5% 6,700 5,452 81.4%
Kerala 19,523 8,263 42.3% 7,790 1,213 15.6% 4,557 2,321 50.9%
Ladakh 1,230 877 71.3% 374 67 17.9% 10 - 0.0%
Lakshadweep - - 0.0% 79 - 0.0% - - 0.0%
Madhya Pradesh 75,102 56,623 75.4% 26,026 16,010 61.5% 16,135 9,782 60.6%
Maharashtra 54,641 23,973 43.9% 51,536 830 17.1% 8,963 6,087 67.9%
Manipur 15,947 6,127 38.4% 12,195 4,661 38.2% 2,825 2,672 94.6%
Meghalaya 6,601 3,166 48.0% 10,762 1,604 14.9% 1,950 4,574 234.6%
Mizoram 8,885 6,112 68.8% 5,099 1,438 28.2% 1,672 1,052 62.9%
Nagaland 6,074 879 14.5% 7,630 2,836 37.2% 1,114 755 67.8%
Odisha 39,331 19,188 48.8% 12,423 3,704 29.8% 4,598 3,734 81.2%
Puducherry 5,033 4,684 93.1% 1,578 2,128 134.9% 645 708 109.8%
Punjab 53,383 29,599 55.4% 30,336 17,251 56.9% 6,367 8,479 133.2%
Rajasthan 69,061 34,135 49.4% 22,755 17,189 75.5% 15,682 12,964 82.7%
Sikkim 3,553 1,313 37.0% 2,818 1,479 52.5% 745 711 95.4%
Tamil Nadu 41,547 34,263 82.5% 14,137 6,016 42.6% 5,846 3,124 53.4%
Telangana 35,241 20,059 56.9% 14,822 6,724 45.4% 4,453 4,365 98.0%
The Dadra And Nagar Haveli And Daman And Diu 2,669 1,638 61.4% 232 230 99.1% 158 5 3.2%
Tripura 11,770 4,035 34.3% 7,034 1,420 20.2% 3,477 2,060 59.2%
Uttar Pradesh 1,72,002 84,198 49.0% 49,141 29,901 60.8% 21,924 14,570 66.5%
Uttarakhand 31,186 17,304 55.5% 16,821 9,026 53.7% 3,185 3,715 116.6%
West Bengal 66,055 29,777 45.1% 7,237 6,946 96.0% 10,046 4,424 44.0%
Total 11,50,911 6,08,389 52.9% 4,84,918 2,16,102 44.6% 1,91,180 1,34,893 70.6%

Annexure III

The State-wise number of skill development training centres (TCs), as on 31.12.2021:

S. No. State/UTs PMKVY
(including PMKKs) JSSs ITIs Total
1 Andaman And Nicobar Islands 19 1 4 24
2 Andhra Pradesh 1,409 7 510 1,926
3 Arunachal Pradesh 158 0 6 164
4 Assam 852 6 36 894
5 Bihar 1,216 21 1,329 2,566
6 Chandigarh 92 1 2 95
7 Chhattisgarh 414 14 228 656
8 Delhi 854 3 53 910
9 Goa 44 1 13 58
10 Gujarat 753 11 507 1,271
11 Haryana 1,675 5 396 2,076
12 Himachal Pradesh 552 11 268 831
13 Jammu And Kashmir 666 3 49 718
14 Jharkhand 479 13 325 817
15 Karnataka 1,013 12 1,495 2,520
16 Kerala 613 9 460 1,082
17 Ladakh 14 2 3 19
18 Lakshadweep 2 1 1 4
19 Madhya Pradesh 2,345 29 1,059 3,433
20 Maharashtra 1,770 23 1,003 2,796
21 Manipur 194 4 1 199
22 Meghalaya 119 1 6 126
23 Mizoram 113 1 3 117
24 Nagaland 103 2 8 113
25 Odisha 909 29 500 1,438
26 Puducherry 106 0 14 120
27 Punjab 1,374 2 350 1,726
28 Rajasthan 2,389 8 1,643 4,040
29 Sikkim 55 0 3 58
30 Tamil Nadu 2,414 8 494 2,916
31 Telangana 1,161 6 293 1,460
32 The Dadra & Nagar Haveli And Daman & Diu 29 2 3 34
33 Tripura 298 2 21 321
34 Uttar Pradesh 4,132 50 3,171 7,353
35 Uttarakhand 524 8 188 720
36 West Bengal 1,240 8 266 1,514
Total 30,100 304 14,711 45,115

Enrolled and Placement details under PMKVY (As on 31.12.2021)
Short Term Training (STT) Special Projects (SPL)
TC State Enrolled Trained Certified Reported Placed Placement % Enrolled Trained Certified Reported Placed Placement %
Andaman And Nicobar Islands 3,342 3,082 1,838 124 6.7% - - - - 0.0%
Andhra Pradesh 3,12,624 2,95,029 2,44,029 1,06,394 43.6% 8,382 7,891 5,438 4,054 74.5%
Arunachal Pradesh 31,598 30,175 24,536 9,768 39.8% 7,491 6,915 3,254 1,381 42.4%
Assam 1,82,747 1,76,650 1,30,551 55,542 42.5% 20,531 17,546 7,635 3,915 51.3%
Bihar 3,77,882 3,56,748 2,67,981 1,18,769 44.3% 18,726 17,073 5,658 1,303 23.0%
Chandigarh 18,658 17,695 14,184 5,853 41.3% 1,269 1,035 741 366 49.4%
Chhattisgarh 1,31,044 1,24,161 89,657 26,947 30.1% 1,882 1,488 546 - 0.0%
Delhi 2,42,495 2,29,207 1,85,014 66,167 35.8% 26,650 24,117 16,431 10,391 63.2%
Goa 4,187 3,764 2,455 948 38.6% 353 323 142 155 109.2%
Gujarat 1,99,868 1,83,210 1,41,621 62,446 44.1% 10,655 10,380 7,649 5,257 68.7%
Haryana 3,93,188 3,75,327 3,09,665 1,55,905 50.3% 17,149 15,345 9,867 2,630 26.7%
Himachal Pradesh 93,972 86,931 71,232 24,279 34.1% 8,572 7,775 4,743 2,188 46.1%
Jammu And Kashmir 1,46,871 1,36,190 1,15,123 50,649 44.0% 16,855 15,219 2,879 1,047 36.4%
Jharkhand 1,18,846 1,10,795 78,636 25,877 32.9% 6,687 5,361 1,416 794 56.1%
Karnataka 2,32,380 2,13,976 1,70,875 66,248 38.8% 15,214 14,134 10,017 7,176 71.6%
Kerala 97,028 92,678 70,283 24,589 35.0% 4,130 3,610 540 156 28.9%
Ladakh 2,466 2,107 1,539 856 55.6% 735 732 132 88 66.7%
Lakshadweep 270 270 79 - 0.0% - - - - 0.0%
Madhya Pradesh 5,83,426 5,60,253 4,44,730 2,04,440 46.0% 29,600 28,381 12,037 10,295 85.5%
Maharashtra 3,23,272 3,01,364 2,33,558 78,007 33.4% 34,714 32,264 13,215 1,354 10.2%
Manipur 46,693 43,983 36,113 15,058 41.7% 2,198 1,669 774 104 13.4%
Meghalaya 31,314 30,675 22,705 11,184 49.3% 643 486 256 190 74.2%
Mizoram 24,049 22,646 17,038 8,573 50.3% 3,069 2,380 986 418 42.4%
Nagaland 20,900 20,481 15,651 5,795 37.0% 3,652 3,472 2,275 2 0.1%
Odisha 2,13,383 1,95,617 1,51,667 69,566 45.9% 6,445 5,440 3,425 730 21.3%
Puducherry 22,556 21,929 19,353 10,013 51.7% 712 709 394 382 97.0%
Punjab 3,17,252 3,01,461 2,53,921 1,24,019 48.8% 11,886 11,304 6,692 2,947 44.0%
Rajasthan 4,89,898 4,70,663 3,95,092 1,80,489 45.7% 10,286 9,109 1,824 1,411 77.4%
Sikkim 11,341 10,764 8,525 3,479 40.8% 768 628 141 116 82.3%
Tamil Nadu 3,98,362 3,78,035 3,04,013 1,60,868 52.9% 21,217 18,907 10,874 9,416 86.6%
Telangana 2,80,452 2,64,799 2,22,070 1,09,524 49.3% 5,013 4,730 2,932 2,459 83.9%
The Dadra And Nagar Haveli And Daman And Diu 5,889 5,812 4,664 2,790 59.8% - - - - 0.0%
Tripura 51,911 50,590 38,746 15,173 39.2% 4,228 3,830 2,731 1,728 63.3%
Uttar Pradesh 10,22,086 9,72,818 7,78,881 3,19,035 41.0% 42,980 36,129 18,086 12,393 68.5%
Uttarakhand 1,34,063 1,30,360 1,03,633 51,874 50.1% 5,038 4,723 854 125 14.6%
West Bengal 3,64,015 3,48,269 2,62,309 1,13,524 43.3% 7,035 6,613 2,204 512 23.2%
Total 69,30,328 65,68,514 52,31,967 22,84,772 43.7% 3,54,765 3,19,718 1,56,788 85,483 54.5%

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Name of State/Union territory Enrolled Oriented Certified
Andaman And Nicobar Islands 210 60 52
Andhra Pradesh 1,47,696 1,44,717 1,17,888
Arunachal Pradesh 46,016 45,796 33,538
Assam 5,23,984 5,14,612 3,73,740
Bihar 2,47,808 2,43,696 2,03,219
Chandigarh 8,068 7,708 6,460
Chhattisgarh 50,534 49,104 32,643
Delhi 2,51,439 2,45,196 1,91,273
Goa 6,127 5,734 4,724
Gujarat 2,13,693 2,09,775 1,68,535
Haryana 2,55,841 2,48,648 2,05,235
Himachal Pradesh 50,482 49,992 40,868
Jammu And Kashmir 1,49,898 1,46,001 1,24,682
Jharkhand 1,51,204 1,48,786 1,25,291
Karnataka 2,86,417 2,77,963 2,19,911
Kerala 1,61,353 1,49,503 1,19,375
Ladakh 93 93 74
Lakshadweep - - -
Madhya Pradesh 2,99,999 2,93,581 2,32,386
Maharashtra 8,69,769 8,57,905 6,92,890
Manipur 45,199 40,881 32,700
Meghalaya 15,414 13,742 11,967
Mizoram 5,601 5,541 3,771
Nagaland 13,438 13,081 10,907
Odisha 3,47,644 3,38,155 2,66,365
Puducherry 6,973 6,850 5,613
Punjab 1,16,037 1,13,366 86,947
Rajasthan 6,11,745 6,03,455 5,42,555
Sikkim 1,900 1,900 1,657
Tamil Nadu 3,53,683 3,47,645 2,90,234
Telangana 1,45,818 1,43,108 1,14,445
The Dadra And Nagar Haveli And Daman And Diu 4,474 4,291 3,903
Tripura 84,455 82,014 58,228
Uttar Pradesh 9,26,104 9,08,295 7,56,125
Uttarakhand 65,819 64,166 50,121
West Bengal 2,19,005 2,15,950 1,82,953
Total 66,83,940 65,41,310 53,11,275
RPL orients candidates and doesn’t mandate placements

Total beneficiaries trained Under JSS
FY2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 FY 2021-22 (till 15th December 2021)
Andaman and Nicobar 0 0 0 0
Andhra Pradesh 4762 10901 8580 3259
Arunachal Pradesh 156 570 0 0
Assam 3923 9243 8883 2180
Bihar 9567 22708 16314 10086
Chandigarh 718 1836 1120 980
Chhattisgarh 4792 13483 10480 5068
Dadra And Nagar Haveli And Daman And Diu 534 1558 897 279
Delhi 2518 5487 4940 1960
Goa 602 1741 1664 607
Gujarat 7726 18640 16840 10660
Haryana 4055 9002 8705 2997
Himachal Pradesh 703 1400 1504 532
Jammu And Kashmir 1277 3429 3554 606
Jharkhand 2469 5383 4424 1059
Karnataka 6211 16201 15525 5296
Kerala 6342 16247 13900 4108
Madhya Pradesh 20679 50449 45501 20077
Maharashtra 16051 38023 35102 15592
Manipur 1937 5387 5327 2267
Mizoram 0 0 0 0
Nagaland 660 1800 1800 1119
Odisha 12240 30677 25820 7642
Punjab 1387 3434 1607 1807
Rajasthan 4002 9069 9493 4562
Tamil Nadu 4329 14244 11727 4665
Telangana 4274 12452 8497 4780
Tripura 646 1631 1101 394
Uttar Pradesh 34087 85436 77335 41904
Uttarakhand 4807 10776 8800 4924
West Bengal 5829 14125 10356 5088
Total 167283 415332 359796 164498
Grand Total 1106909

Details of trained candidates under NAPS (as on 15.12.2021)
No of candidates trained under NAPS:
State Name 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-22 Total
ANDHRA PRADESH 5048 4555 4301 6726 5498 4001 5202 35331
ARUNACHAL PRADESH 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 14
ASSAM 295 650 1115 2203 2831 2495 2781 12370
BIHAR 293 480 732 1539 1220 1299 1956 7519
CHANDIGARH 138 277 209 203 426 339 268 1860
CHHATTISGARH 837 920 1581 4928 7498 6040 5159 26963
DADRA AND NAGAR HAVELI 32 214 58 74 16 82 206 682
DAMAN AND DIU 0 23 45 13 60 56 32 229
DELHI 654 1096 1969 2102 5252 4868 4673 20614
GOA 236 210 249 465 1599 1311 1400 5470
GUJARAT 15869 13854 36964 40410 53150 45579 56301 262127
HARYANA 9913 12045 27932 22638 25253 19982 27109 144872
HIMACHAL PRADESH 569 1247 1045 1623 2042 1868 1301 9695
JAMMU AND KASHMIR 383 214 343 164 251 396 449 2200
JHARKHAND 4411 2905 4758 3721 4344 3766 5942 29847
KARNATAKA 11285 10074 9355 9726 13668 11201 14785 80094
KERALA 3216 3363 3658 4722 5799 5030 7763 33551
LAKSHADWEEP 0 0 0 0 0 8 8 16
MADHYA PRADESH 2652 3141 5260 8838 9104 7714 10666 47375
MAHARASHTRA 21063 28818 29797 34032 47229 37587 50117 248643
MANIPUR 0 5 5 0 9 8 27 54
MEGHALAYA 0 0 3 40 29 52 42 166
MIZORAM 0 0 0 0 4 4 1 9
NAGALAND 0 0 0 0 12 12 10 34
ODISHA 3524 2801 2210 4010 5297 3367 4715 25924
PUDUCHERRY 505 370 389 501 620 509 741 3635
PUNJAB 2171 1342 1844 2362 3608 2556 3838 17721
RAJASTHAN 1835 2638 2930 4240 5270 4393 5810 27116
SIKKIM 30 30 2 10 66 40 32 210
TAMIL NADU 7861 7748 10248 9743 14698 14967 25094 90359
TELANGANA 4861 5987 3825 8200 11122 9442 12686 56123
TRIPURA 2 46 1 923 346 354 114 1786
UTTAR PRADESH 14200 11256 13560 17326 16696 12334 18733 104105
UTTARAKHAND 1611 1983 2570 3000 3136 2494 2901 17695
WEST BENGAL 1129 1751 1897 2658 6067 5831 5253 24586
Total 114623 120043 168855 197140 252220 209985 276129 1338995

Details of Enrolled candidates under ITIs( 2014-2020)

Enrolment of Trainees in ITIs- State wise and year wise for the last 6 years
Sl. no. State Name 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
1 Andaman And Nicobar Islands 186 292 371 355 385 441 663
2 Andhra Pradesh 56429 53444 56538 52736 60339 55446 51257
3 Arunachal Pradesh 355 411 606 598 648 566 605
4 Assam 2765 3054 2674 2697 2827 3611 3895
5 Bihar 65374 82232 95199 100370 107603 111670 108224
6 Chandigarh 678 1029 937 1070 907 1043 923
7 Chhattisgarh 12362 14941 16189 17638 21838 22077 20939
8 Dadra And Nagar Haveli 108 112 113 114 116 112 191
9 Daman and Diu 156 222 206 223 207 152 166
10 Delhi 6164 8083 9392 8624 13177 10559 10340
11 Goa 1247 1851 2053 2081 1913 1837 2050
12 Gujarat 43559 65307 66285 71994 92082 70967 91320
13 Haryana 26813 45885 44371 44410 68440 55822 60708
14 Himachal Pradesh 16795 17212 21715 20712 21556 21726 34549
15 Jammu And Kashmir 2343 2545 2653 2721 2847 5040 8887
16 Jharkhand 26748 28781 32187 29413 29972 33475 36549
17 Karnataka 69547 70999 71405 72275 81893 74342 56740
18 Kerala 30139 28690 29725 29625 38411 36004 32785
Ladakh 167
19 Lakshadweep 94 90 93 87 87 268 436
20 Madhya Pradesh 38871 61575 64036 57154 82703 71685 74592
21 Maharashtra 104419 108765 117140 118050 122219 111909 108079
22 Manipur 48 94 79 122 117 88 90
23 Meghalaya 546 479 645 568 683 613 863
24 Mizoram 523 436 488 421 443 329 300
25 Nagaland 171 75 171 111 168 265 257
26 Odisha 47918 49199 49174 48508 51337 49984 51193
27 Puducherry 843 965 978 1038 943 858 701
28 Punjab 33808 44143 37363 37193 41934 40309 54727
29 Rajasthan 121050 132556 122426 135447 125527 157181 106784
30 Sikkim 267 219 282 339 401 216 275
31 Tamil Nadu 38722 40618 41240 38443 42934 36470 30045
32 Telangana 33728 34132 36564 33732 36242 32687 29870
33 Tripura 1488 1144 1593 1504 2792 1745 2710
34 Uttar Pradesh 147760 177158 236474 247784 355399 371103 302363
35 Uttarakhand 7462 10307 10722 10558 12879 10877 18727
36 West Bengal 11687 15211 29152 28933 33461 32762 32709
Grand Total 951173 1102256 1201239 1217648 1455430 1424239 1335679

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