Question : Coconut Cultivation

(a) the details of the area under coconut cultivation in the country along with the rank of India in coconut production in the world;

(b) the details of the schemes formulated by the Coconut Development Board to enhance the coconut production in the country;

(c) the details of the schemes introduced for the production of various coconut based products in country;

(d) whether there is any proposal to increase the assistance under area expansion scheme by the Coconut Development Board, if so, the details thereof; and

(e) the details of the export and import of the coconut during the last three years and the current year?

Answer given by the minister


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(a): The details of area under coconut cultivation in the country are at Annexure-I. India ranks first in the production of coconut globally.

(b): Coconut Development Board is implementing following schemes to enhance production of coconut in the Country:-

i) Production and distribution of planting material.
ii) Expansion of Area under Coconut.
iii) Integrated Farming for Productivity Improvement.
iv) Replanting and Rejuvenation of Coconut Gardens.
v) Establishment of new coconut orchards.

Details of these schemes are at Annexure-II.



(c): Coconut Development Board introduced “Technology Mission on Coconut” scheme, in 2001-2002 with the objective of promoting coconut based products in the country. Details of this scheme is at Annexure-III.

(d): There is no such proposal for the current plan period.

(e): The details of the export and import of the coconut during the last three years and the current year is given at Annexure IV.

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