Question : Implementation of POSHAN Abhiyan Scheme

(a) whether it is a fact that Poshan Abhiyan Scheme launched by the Government for development of Women & Child Development is lagging behind in its implementation;
(b) if so, the details thereof;
(c) whether it is a fact that funds allocated under this scheme have not been utilized by most of the State Governments and if so, the reasons therefor; and
(d) the steps being taken by the Government for its proper implementation and to achieve the desired objectives?

Answer given by the minister



(a) &(b) Poshan Abhiyaan, a multi-ministerial convergence mission, was launched to focus on converting the agenda of improving nutrition into a Jan Andolan involving panchayati raj institutions/village organizations, etc. Community Mobilization and Behavioral Change is an important component of the Abhiyaan.

(c) Except West Bengal, all States/UTs implement the POSHAN Abhiyaan scheme. The COVID-19 pandemic had an adverse impact since most of the activities under the programme are community based events. The restrictions placed on movement on goods, services and manpower had a significant impact on the roll out of components like technological capacity building training, training, organization of CBEs, etc. resulting in lower fund utilization.

(d) Government has engaged with State Governments through sustained reviews to ensure that targets are achieved and funds are utilized.

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