Question : Construction of Roads under PMGSY

(a) the average number of kilometers of roads that have been built daily under the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) during the last two years and the current financial year;

(b) whether the roads constructed under the PMGSY during the said period strictly abide by the norms prescribed under the scheme and if not, the reasons therefor;

(c) the number of eligible habitations where the roads are yet to be constructed under the PMGSY, State/UT-wise;

(d) the details for the plan of action being adopted by the Government for the completion of pending projects so as to complete all projects by 2019;

(e) the total estimated expenditure to be incurred on the pending or remaining number of projects under the PMGSY; and

(f) whether any steps are being taken to ensure the speedy completion of projects in States such as Bihar, which receive large amount of funds but are still struggling to complete the allotted projects, and if so, the details thereof, and if not, the reasons therefor?

Answer given by the minister


(a): Year-wise details of average kilometer of road constructed under Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) are as under:

Year Road constructed (in km)
2014-15 100 km. per day
2015-16 100 km. per day
2016-17 (upto Oct, 2016) 114.20 km. per day

(b): ‘Rural Roads’ is a State subject and PMGSY is a one-time special intervention to provide rural connectivity, by way of a single all-weather road, to the eligible unconnected habitations in the core network. As per PMGSY Guidelines, execution of PMGSY works is entirely the responsibility of the State Governments. Roads are constructed under PMGSY in accordance with the provisions of Ministry of Rural Development’s Specifications for Rural Roads and the Rural Roads Manual (IRC:SP20:2002) issued by Indian Road Congress (IRC).
(c): State-wise details of eligible habitations under PMGSY and progress thereon are at Annexure – I.
(d): For accelerated execution of Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY), the Ministry of Rural Development in consultation with the Ministry of Finance and the State governments, has formulated an Action Plan to achieve the target of the Scheme early, with enhanced financial allocation to the States and modified funding pattern in the Scheme. The fund sharing pattern of PMGSY has been made in the ratio of 60:40 between the Centre and States for all States except for 8 North Eastern and 3 Himalayan States for which it will be 90:10. All the States have also been advised to get approval for sanctions of balance works under PMGSY-I/II as per the mandate of the Scheme and to substantially complete them by March, 2019, so as to provide connectivity to target habitations.
(e): Since inception of PMGSY (upto October 2016), project proposals of the value of Rs. 1,99,098 crore (Central Share) have been sanctioned by the Ministry (as per OMMAS), against which Rs 1,42,548.47 crore has been released to the States and the States have reported an expenditure of Rs. 1,48,271 crore.
(f): For speedy execution of works, the performance of the States is being regularly monitored through Regional Review Meetings, Pre-Empowered & Empowered Committee Meetings and video-conferences. In addition to this, meetings are being held by Secretary, Ministry of Rural Development with the Chief Secretaries of the States to identify State specific problems under PMGSY and to resolve them.

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