Question : Apprenticeship Facilities

(a) whether the number of registered companies is almost 8 lakh in the country while apprenticeship facility is provided by merely 23000 companies and if so, the steps being taken to provide the facility of apprentice in all the companies;
(b) whether the target of providing apprentice to 5 lakh youth was set during the year 2016-17 and if so, the details thereof;
(c) whether the said target has been achieved and if not, the reasons therefor;
(d) the number of youth provided apprentice training till date, State and company-wise; and
(e) the steps taken by the Government against the companies which are not providing apprenticeship facility for achieving the set target?

Answer given by the minister

(a) Presently, there are 43,306 companies and about 8 lakh candidates are registered on the Apprenticeship Portal. Apprenticeship training is provided to the apprentices in only those companies where training facilities for the trade/ course/ job role are available.

(b)&(c) A new scheme “National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme (NAPS)” has been launched in August, 2016. The target under the NAPS for the financial year 2016-17 was 5 lakh apprentices. 2.9 lakh apprentices were trained during the financial year 2016-17. Target couldn’t be achieved due to lack of awareness of NAPS among the stakeholders.

(d) Details of youth provided apprenticeship training till date, State-wise and company-wise is given at Annexure.

(e) Companies have been requested to engage apprentices as per the Apprentices Act, 1961. Awareness campaigns in the form of workshops/ meetings, have been conducted. Advertisements have been published in leading newspapers.

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