Question : Swadhar Greh Scheme

(a) the salient features of the Swadhar Greh Scheme;
(b) the number of shelter homes at present in the country, State-wise and district-wise in Andhra Pradesh;
(c) the present occupancy of women in shelter homes of the said State; and
(d) the steps taken by the Government to encourage homeless widows to benefit from the scheme?

Answer given by the minister



(a) to (d) Swadhar Greh Scheme caters to primary needs of women in difficult circumstances – women and girls rendered homeless due to family discord, crime, violence, mental stress, social ostracism or being forced into prostitution and are in moral danger. The scheme through the provisions of shelter, food, clothing, counseling, vocational and skill upgradation training, clinical and legal aid aims to rehabilitate such women in difficult circumstance economically and emotionally. Under the new Mission Shakti, Swadhar Greh Scheme has been merged with Ujjawala Scheme and renamed as ‘Shakti Sadan’. For increasing awareness about schemes of the Ministry, National, State and District Level Hubs for Empowerment of Women (HEW) have been approved under the new Mission Shakti for, inter alia, guiding, linking and hand holding women to various institutional and schematic set-up for their welfare.

The number of shelter homes at present State-wise in the country are at Annexure-I and the number of shelter homes district-wise in Andhra Pradesh are at Annexure-II.

The present occupancy of women in shelter homes in Andhra Pradesh are at Annexure-III.


Annexure referred to in reply of part (b) of Lok Sabha Un-starred Question No. 1020 for 22.07.2022 regarding Swadhar Greh Schemes.
Number of shelter homes in the country, State-wise under Swadhar Greh

S. No State Swadhar Grehs
1 Andaman & Nicobar Island 1
2 Andhra Pradesh 21
3 Arunachal Pradesh 1
4 Assam 16
5 Chandigarh 1
6 Chhattisgarh 3
7 Delhi 2
8 Gujarat 8
9 Himachal Pradesh 1
10 Jammu & Kashmir 2
11 Jharkhand 5
12 Karnataka 52
13 Kerala 7
14 Madhya Pradesh 15
15 Maharashtra 9
16 Manipur 23
17 Meghalaya 2
18 Mizoram 11
19 Nagaland 2
20 Odisha 54
21 Puducherry 1
22 Punjab 2
23 Rajasthan 8
24 Sikkim 1
25 Tamil Nadu 36
26 Telangana 21
27 Tripura 4
28 Uttar Pradesh 14
29 Uttrakhand 1
30 West Bengal 33
Total 357


Annexure referred to in reply of part (b) of Lok Sabha Un-starred Question No. 1020 for 22.07.2022 regarding Swadhar Greh Schemes.
Number of shelter homes district-wise in Andhra Pradesh under Swadhar Greh
S. No. Name of District Number of shelter homes
1. Srikakulam
2. Vizianagram
3. Visakhapatnam
4. East Godavari
5. Krishna
6. Guntur
7. Prakasam
8. Kurnool
9. YSR Kadapa
10. Chittoor

Total 21


Annexure referred to in reply of part (c) of Lok Sabha Un-starred Question No. 1020 for 22.07.2022 regarding Swadhar Greh Schemes.

Present occupancy of women in shelter homes in Andhra Pradesh

No. Swadhar Greh District Present Occupancy as on 13/07/2022
1 NTR CSD & EW Chittoor 20
2 Peoples Action for Social Service Chittoor 17
3 Bharatha Ratna Mahila Mandali DR. YSR
4 Downtrodden and Community Development Society Dr. YSR 30
5 Dr. Ambedkar Dalitha Varga Abhivruddhi Sangham Dr. YSR 30
6 Little Flower Welfare Society East Godavari 20
7 JMJ Social Service Society Guntur 34
8 NTR CSD & EW Guntur 21
9 Grama Vikas Voluntary organisation Krishna 30
10 JMJ Social Service Society Krishna 26
11 NTR CSD & EW Krishna 6
12 NTR CSD & EW Kurnool 11
13 Shanti Education Society Kurnool 30
14 A.P. Mahila Abhyudaya Samithi Prakasam 30
15 NTR CSD & EW Prakasam 0
16 NTR CSD & EW Srikakulam 8
17 Chaitanya Bharathi Vijayanagaram 29
18 NTR CSD & EW Vijayanagaram 10
19 NTR CSD & EW Visakhapatnam 9
20 Priyadarshini Service Organisation Visakhapatnam 13
21 Society for Environmental Educational Development Visakhapatnam 11


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