Question : World Press Freedom Index

(a) whether India has been placed at 136th position out of 180 countries as per the World Press Freedom Index, 2017 compiled by the body “Reporters Without Borders”;
(b) if so, the details thereof;
(c) whether India’s position in World Press Freedom Index has not improved during the last three years;
(d) if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor;
(e) the methodology adopted by “Reporters without Borders” for arriving at this index; and
(f) the reaction of the Government to the World Press Freedom Index along with the measures taken by the Government to ensure the freedom of press in the country and to improve the performance on the criteria underlying in the ranking?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (e) The Government has come across media reports carrying the results of survey by ‘Reporters Without Borders’ and World Press Freedom Index 2017 compiled by the body. A number of reports are available on internet covering aspects like freedom of speech, transparency and censorship on internet. Different methodology, data and techniques for data collection are followed for preparing the reports. The sources of data collection are not disclosed.

(f) In pursuance of its policy to uphold the freedom of press, the Government does not interfere in the functioning of newspaper industry. The Government is committed to ensure the right to freedom of speech and expression enshrined under the Article 19 of the Constitution of India. However, Press Council of India (PCI), a statutory autonomous body, has been set up under the Press Council Act, 1978 mainly to preserve the freedom of the Press and improve the standards of newspapers and news agencies in the country and also to inculcate the principles of self-regulation among the press. Besides, Ministry of Home Affairs has issued a comprehensive advisory on safety of journalist on 20th October, 2017 which can be accessed at sites/upload_files/mha/files/AdvisoJournalists _19022018 .pdf.


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