Question : Self Help Groups

(a) the total number of Self Help Groups (SHGs) in the country;

(b) the details for the last three years, year-wise and State-wise;

(c) whether the Government has set any target for achievement through the SHGs in the country;

(d) if so, the details thereof, head-wise; and

(e) whether the Government has allocated adequate funds for the said purpose and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) As on 31st December 2020, a total of 7.26 crore rural households have been mobilized into 66.03 lakh Self Help Groups (SHGs).

(b) & (c) The State-wise details of the target and achievement for number of SHGs formed during the last three years are annexed at Annexure- I.

(d) Deen Dayal Antyodaya Yojana- National Rural Livelihood Mission (DAY-NRLM) aims to mobilize one woman from every rural family into Self Help Groups. All rural Households with at least one deprivation under the Socio- Economic and Caste Census data are considered the target households for coverage under DAY-NRLM. In addition, any rural households identified as poor through a process of participatory identification of poor and vetted by the Gram Sabha can also be included in the SHG network. Accordingly it is estimated that about 9-10 crore rural households would be covered under DAY-NRLM by 2024-25. Till 31st December 2020, a total of 7.26 crore rural households have been mobilized into 66.03 lakh SHGs. The details of targets set and achievements made so far in the last three years is attached as Annexure –I.

(e) The details of funds allocated under DAY-NRLM during the last three years and current year are as below:
(in crore)
S. No. Year Budget Estimate (B.E) Revised Estimate (R.E)

1. 2017-18 4500.00 4350.83

2. 2018-19 5750.00 5783.50

3. 2019-20 9024.00 9024.00

4. 2020-21 9210.04 9210.04



ANNEXURE –I referred in reply of part (b), (c) and (d) of Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 1153 due for reply on 09.02.2021

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