(a) Scheme for Adolescent Girls (earlier named as Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Girls), a Centrally Sponsored Scheme aims to improve the nutrition and health status of out of school adolescent girls of age 11-14 years and to motivate these girls to go back to formal schooling or skill training. The scheme has two components Nutrition and Non-Nutrition. Nutrition support of 600 calories, 18-20 grams of protein and micronutrients @ Rs. 9.5 per beneficiary per day for 300 days in a year is provided to adolescent girls under the nutrition component of the scheme. The non-nutrition component of the scheme has a built-in factor to motivate out of school girls to go back to formal schooling or skill training. Other services of Non Nutrition component are IFA supplementation, Health check-up and Referral services, Nutrition & Health Education, Life Skill Education and counselling/guidance on accessing public services.
(b) The Government is reviewing the performance of the Scheme at regular intervals on a quarterly/annual basis to identify gaps for taking corrective measures. Monitoring committees are set up at all levels (National, State, District, Block and Village level) to take stock of the progress of the scheme as also strengthen the coordination and convergence between concerned departments.
(c) Budgetary allocation of the scheme, State/ UT-wise details of funds released and utilisation reported by States/UTs under the scheme during each of the last three years and the current year is at Annexure-1 & 2.
(d) The Scheme is Pan-India and has been extended to all the districts of the country with effect from 01.04.2018.
(e) & (f) Yes Madam, the Government has taken note of findings of National Family Health Survey (NFHS-4) which reported 53.1 % of women age 15-49 years are anaemic. One of the objectives under the Scheme for Adolescent Girls is IFA Supplementation for which State Government /UT concerned establish convergence with Health Department to ensure the supply of adult tablets of IFA to each beneficiary. Besides, Information on food fortification, dietary diversification, advantages of IFA tablets supplementation and its consumption with food for combating IFA deficiency is provided to the beneficiaries under the scheme.
Annexure -1
Statement referred to in reply to part (b) & (c) of the reply to Lok Sabha Unstarred question No 2971 for 28.12.2018
The budgetary allocation/funds released/utilized during each of last three years and the current year is as under:
(Rs. in crore)
Year Budget allocated Funds released Funds utilized
2015-16 475.5 470.40 494.51
2016-17 460 477.00 507.22
2017-18 460 446.29 358.02
2018-19 500 136.25 15.93
Annexure -2
Statement referred to in reply to part (b)& (c) of the reply to Lok Sabha Unstarred question No 2971 for 28.12.2018
State/UT-wise Fund released/ utilized under Scheme for Adolescent Girls during each of the last three years and current year
(Rs. in lakh)
S. No. States/UTs 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Released Utilised Released Utilised Released Utilised Released Utilized
1 Andhra Pradesh 675.68 762.79 762.99 1710.10 2259.52 2050.18 941.71 35.60
2 Arunachal Pradesh 78.41 152.86 126.25 83.49 87.96 42.76 *0.00 NR
3 Assam 817.44 1429.75 1356.94 149.18 341.92 0.00 *0.00 NR
4 Bihar 875.28 1090.17 2696.83 2315.55 4003.74 2742.76 25.54 NR
5 Chhattisgarh 2072.23 2203.10 1389.69 2772.50 2792.61 1795.87 596.66 NR
6 Goa 337.91 337.91 131.50 259.21 302.77 302.76 0.20 0.10
7 Gujarat 2234.25 6023.25 8443.18 6323.17 2690.09 2936.50 3929.30 NR
8 Haryana 812.47 564.41 104.74 573.65 589.97 363.75 37.41 0.00
9 Himachal Pradesh 956.78 958.74 720.45 1349.14 1129.42 371.94 *0.00 NR
10 Jammu & Kashmir 156.27 227.13 194.63 184.69 255.91 26.67 533.70 NR
11 Jharkhand 193.31 1056.64 145.57 1465.35 1495.55 154.54 *0.00 NR
12 Karnataka 3164.54 2672.50 740.73 2642.58 2466.93 1819.93 906.95 NR
13 Kerala 1201.84 1165.99 1057.73 893.89 692.91 632.13 *0.00 NR
14 Madhya Pradesh 8746.45 8199.59 5302.02 8466.04 8641.18 7125.70 3480.89 1418.07
15 Maharashtra 1531.25 5252.78 5334.42 3541.02 3995.68 3530.70 1798.61 NR
16 Manipur 95.82 49.65 49.65 161.87 170.28 62.34 *0.00 NR
17 Meghalaya 232.04 232.04 919.65 919.65 528.83 540.36 9.09 0.00
18 Mizoram 90.65 103.49 91.78 103.40 123.95 123.15 54.79 NR
19 Nagaland 188.39 173.95 206.31 206.31 193.14 191.61 47.01 47.01
20 Odisha 3477.67 3657.00 2867.25 3443.78 2442.60 2345.40 866.77 NR
21 Punjab 814.70 0.00 0.00 448.77 40.60 440.65 26.30 NR
22 Rajasthan 3275.09 8.85 0.00 22.49 39.38 0.00 *0.00 NR
23 Sikkim 48.20 32.54 32.54 16.90 15.42 27.45 *0.00 0.00
24 Tamil Nadu 4131.91 3896.38 2655.26 3076.85 3196.22 1556.44 *0.00 NR
25 Telangana 1242.82 1144.78 572.39 0.00 81.40 0.00 *0.00 NR
26 Tripura 417.25 358.74 334.81 819.62 674.38 185.59 *0.00 92.28
27 Uttar Pradesh 8823.48 6031.14 10932.99 7631.00 4486.13 4815.01 *0.00 0.00
28 Uttaranchal 14.12 39.25 43.02 3.77 3.30 0.00 *0.00 NR
29 West Bengal *0.00 1221.44 40.41 340.08 282.47 992.63 31.10 NR
30 A & N Islands 44.14 42.49 107.05 50.65 51.35 15.52 3.18 0.00
31 Chandigarh 14.01 9.33 12.11 7.84 12.68 5.81 2.33 NR
32 Daman & Diu 0.00 0.00 14.14 15.94 14.14 14.07 4.53 NR
33 D & NH 16.44 14.41 16.44 16.44 16.44 12.64 4.94 NR
34 Delhi 228.43 317.17 276.66 687.49 490.19 570.32 320.31 0.17
35 Lakshadweep 12.03 3.30 2.20 1.80 11.65 2.82 3.11 0.05
36 Pondicherry 19.27 17.97 17.72 18.67 8.81 4.74 0.51 0.04
Total 47040.57 49451.53 47700.06 50722.88 44629.53 35802.74 13624.94 1593.32
*Funds have not been released to the States due to savings available with the States NR – Not Reported
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