Question : Protection of Children against Sexual Offences Act- 2012


Will the Minister of WOMEN AND CHILD DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state that
the number of District Child Protection Units constituted along with the details of funds allocated to them for the rehabilitation and alternative care of children along with other services?

Answer given by the minister



As per information provided by the State Governments/UT Administrations, the number of District Child Protection Units constituted under the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection) Act, 2015 (JJ Act) is at Annexure-I and the details of the funds allocated and released under the Child Protection Services scheme to the States/UTs during the last three years is at Annexure-II.



Annexure referred in reply of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No.3241 for answer on 13.03.2020 raised by Shri Ritesh Pandey regarding “Protection of Children Against Sexual Offences Act, 2012”

As per information provided by the States/UTs, the number of District Child Protection Units constituted under the JJ Act (as on Feb, 2020)

S. No. State/UT Number of DCPUs
1 Andhra Pradesh 13
2 Arunachal Pradesh 25
3 Assam 33
4 Bihar 38
5 Chhattisgarh 27
6 Goa 2
7 Gujarat 33
8 Haryana 22
9 Himachal Pradesh 12
10 Jammu and Kashmir 22
11 Jharkhand 24
12 Karnataka 30
13 Kerala 14
14 Madhya Pradesh 51
15 Maharashtra 36
16 Manipur 9
17 Meghalaya 11
18 Mizoram 8
19 Nagaland 11
20 Orissa 30
21 Punjab 22
22 Rajasthan 33
23 Sikkim 4
24 Tamil Nadu 32
25 Tripura 8
26 Uttar Pradesh 75
27 Uttarakhand 13
28 West Bengal 23
29 Telangana 33
30 Andaman & Nicobar 3
31 Chandigarh 1
32 Dadra and Nagar Haveli 1
33 Daman and Diu 2
34 Lakshadweep -
35 Delhi 11
36 Puducherry 4
Total 716

Annexure referred in reply of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No.3241 for answer on 13.03.2020 raised by Shri Ritesh Pandey regarding “Protection of Children Against Sexual Offences Act, 2012”.

The details of the funds allocated and released under the Child Protection Services scheme to the States/UTs during the years 2019-20 (as on Feb, 2020)

Sl. No. Name of the State Amount released (Rs. in crore)
1 Andhra Pradesh 1373.53
2 Arunachal Pradesh 1174.11
3 Assam 3278.63
4 Bihar 1405.39
5 Chattisgarh 2098.74
6 Goa 19.63
7 Gujarat 2117.30
8 Haryana 2217.99
9 Himachal Pradesh 1607.40
10 Jammu & Kashmir 1225.16
11 Jharkhand 1845.80
12 Karnataka 3290.45
13 Kerala 1519.74
14 Madhya Pradesh 2148.46
15 Maharashtra 2449.63
16 Manipur 1341.69
17 Meghalaya 2241.71
18 Mizoram 2530.43
19 Nagaland 2085.95
20 Orissa 3541.66
21 Punjab 722.00
22 Rajasthan 3195.88
23 Sikkim 662.51
24 Tamil Nadu 14915.36
25 Telangana 1726.38
26 Tripura 610.71
27 Uttar Pradesh 4277.72
28 Uttarakhand 918.58
29 West Bengal 2815.10
30 Andaman & Nicobar Island 392.12
31 Chandigarh 415.09
32 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 193.97
33 Daman & Diu 141.79
34 Delhi 972.86
35 Lakshadweep 0.00
36 Puducherry 501.96
Total 71975.43

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