(a) whether the Government has conducted any study to ascertain the status of present textile industry vis-a-vis the status of the textile industry in the year 1950s, if so, the details thereof;

(b) the details of the progress made in employment, production and export in the industry during this period;

(c) whether the expected progress has not been registered in the present textile industry despite increasing modern technology in the world; and

(d) if so, the remedial measures taken by the Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (d): A statement is laid on the Table of the House.

Statement in reply to Lok Sabha Starred Question No. 232 for answer on 12.03.2015 by Shri Ram Tahal Choudhary and Shri Prataprao Jadhav regarding Progress of Textile Industry

(a): No such study has been conducted by the Ministry of Textiles in the recent past.

(b) to (d): Textile industry has been growing in terms of production and export in general as per the data available for the last three years and current year. The growth in textile industry in terms of production and export of textiles during the said period are given below:-

 Growth in production and export of textiles items	(April-Dec) (Prov.)	Growth Items	Unit	2011-12	2012-13	2013-14	Growth	during	during	2014-15	2001-12	over	to 2013 2014-15 2013-14	2013-14 -14	(April	-Dec) Man made	Mn. Kg	1234	1263	1307	5.9 1003 988	1.5 fibre spun yarn	Mn. Kg	4372	4868	5309	21.4 4065 3966	2.5 Fabrics	Mn.sq.	60453	62792	63500	5.0 48852 47869	2.1	mtr Export	Mn. USD	34518	33049	37571	8.8 24475# 22765#	7.5 
#upto April- Nov

As regards growth in employment, as per the report of the Working Group on Textiles and Jute Industry for 10th Five Year Plan, the estimated employment in the textile sector as on March, 2001 was 34.42 million. Further, in terms of the report of Working Group on Textiles and Jute Industry for 12th Five Year Plan, the estimated employment in March, 2011 was 45.19 million, marking an increase in employment of 10.77 million during the ten year period.

In order to strengthen the textile industry in the country, Government has launched various policy initiatives and various schemes such as the Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (TUFS), Schemes for the development of the Powerloom Sector Schemes for Technical textiles, Scheme for Integrated Textile Parks (SITP), Integrated Skill Development Scheme, etc. covering all segments of textiles including Handlooms and Handicrafts with the objectives of increasing production, exports and employment.