(a) whether the criteria adopted for the identification of poor are changed from time to time;

(b) if so, the details thereof and the criteria presently being adopted for the purpose;

(c) whether the criteria for identification of poor in all the States is the same;

(d) if not, the criteria adopted in different States;

(e) whether the States have sent any proposal to the Union Government to increase the income limit for identifying the people living below poverty line;

(f) if so, the details thereof and the action being taken by the Government in this regard;

(g)the present income limit for identifying the people living below poverty line; and
(h) the details of the mechanism to ascertain as to whether a beneficiary under a targeted poverty alleviation programme has crossed the poverty line?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (d) Annual family income was the criterion used during the 8th Five Year Plan for identification of BPL families. Multiple criteria, comprising of household occupation, housing condition, number of earners, asset position (land operated/owned, number of livestock owned, consumer durable used etc.), were used for identification of the BPL families during 9th Five Year Plan. The criteria for identification of BPL families are same in all States/UTs.

(e) & (f) No specific proposal to increase the income limit for identifying the people living Below the Poverty Line has been received from any State.

(g) The income limit for ascertaining Poverty Line, prescribed by the Planning Commission during the 9th Plan, varies from State to State and ranges from Rs. 13,000/- to Rs. 19,650/- per annum.

(h) Concurrent Evaluation of the Poverty Alleviation Programmes is conducted from time to time to assess the impact of the Programmes. However, to ensure that Swarozgari under the anti-poverty Swarnajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana (SGSY) crosses the Poverty Line, the DRDA/ Block officials and bankers see that the Swarozgari is properly managing his assets and is able to generate the projected income as spelt in the Project Report of that Key Activity. Vikas Patrika, kept with the Swarozgari and at the Block headquarters, are to be continuously updated.