Question : Compensation for Sexual Assault Survivors

(a) whether the Government has formulated any provisions forcompensation for victims of rape, sexual assault and acid attacks including minor survivors;
(b) if so, the details of compensation given to the victims during the last threeyears and the current year, State and year-wise;
(c) whether the Government has put any mechanism in place to ensure that the victims are compensated as per the provisions and if so, the details thereof;
(d) whether the Government has received any complaints/suggestionsabout the compensation to the victims; and
(e) if so, the response of the Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister



(a) to (e) As per Section 357 A of Cr. PC, every State Government in Coordination with the Central Government shall prepare a victim compensation scheme for providing funds for the purpose of compensation to the victim or his dependents who have suffered loss or injury as a result of the crime and who require rehabilitation. All the State/Union Territories have notified victim compensation scheme in their respective State/UT. Further, a centrally sponsored scheme namely Child Protection Services (CPS) Scheme is being implemented for care, protection, rehabilitation and reintegration of children in difficult circumstances including sexually harassed children.

Under the Central Victim Compensation Fund (CVCF) scheme, financial assistance of Rs.200.00 Crores as one time grant has been released to all the States/UTs in 2016-17, funded from Nirbhaya Fund, to support their respective State Victim Compensation Scheme. On the direction of Hon’ble Supreme Court, National Legal Service Authority (NALSA) prepared a “Sub-Scheme” namely “Compensation Scheme for Women Victims/Survivors of Sexual Assault/other Crimes – 2018” to be included within the existing Victim Compensation Scheme for women victims of sexual assault. The Hon’ble Supreme Court directed the Government of India as well as all State Governments and the Administrations of the Union Territories to give wide publicity to the Scheme and to implement the Scheme in letter and spirit. The same was forwarded to all States/UTs for implementation and to give wide publicity.
Details of compensation given to the victims is not maintained at the central level.


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