(a) whether cases of malnutrition among children, women and lactating mothers have increased in the country particularly in backward and tribal areas during each of the last three years and the current year;

(b) if so, the details thereof, State/UT-wise and the reasons therefor;

(c) whether the schemes envisaged by the Government for eradication of malnutrition in the country are ineffective;

(d) if so, the details thereof along with the reaction of the Government thereto;

(e) whether the Government proposes to launch new schemes intended to provide nutritious food and medicine to the malnutritious children and women in the country;

(f) if so, the details thereof along with the mechanism put in place or likely to be evolved for measuring the success and progress of the existing and the proposed new schemes; and

(g) the other steps taken/proposed to be taken by the Government to address the issue of malnutrition in the country?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (b): The last National Family Health Survey (NFHS) was conducted in the year 2005-06 regarding malnutrition among children, women and lactating mothers. However, statewise details of undernutrition levels in children under-5 and women in other backward classes and Schedule Tribes as per NFHS-3 are appended at Annex-1 & 2.

(c) to (d): No. The Ministry of Women and Child Development has been implementing the following schemes to contain malnutirition :-

# Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Scheme;

The percentage of normal children has increased from 48.74% as on 31.3.2010 to 71.62% as on 31.12.2013 i.e. there is a reduction in moderately/ severely underweight children (0-6 years) under ICDS Scheme.

# The ‘Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Girls (RGSEAG)–‘Sabla’,

A Centrally-sponsored scheme introduced in the year 2010-11 on a pilot basis is being implemented in 205 districts from all the States/UTs. Sabla aims at all-round development of adolescent girls of 11-18 years by making them ‘self reliant’ and improve their health and nutrition status.

# Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana (IGMSY),

Conditional Maternity Benefit (CMB) is a centrally sponsored scheme for pregnant and lactating (P & L) women to improve their health & nutrition status.

These schemes are effective in eradication of malnutrition.

(e): No.

(f): In view of (e) above, question does not arise.

(g): In addition to the above, two new schemes namely (i) Information, Education and Communication (IEC) Campaign against Malnutrition; and (ii) Multi-sectoral Nutrition Programme under National Nutrition Mission have been launched.

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