Question : Schemes for Rural Women

(a) whether the Government has launched any new schemes with special focus on the holistic development of rural women during the last three years;
(b) if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor;
(c) the financial allocations made under these new schemes, State-wise;
(d) whether the Government has any proposal to engage NGOs and other private organisations working in this direction and to provide them encouragement and support; and
(e) if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor?

Answer given by the minister



(a) to (e) : A Statement is laid on the Table of the House


Statement referred to in reply to part (a) to (e) of Lok Sabha Starred Question No. 237 to be answered on 06.03.2020 regarding "Schemes for Rural Women" asked by Shri Y. Devendrappa and Dr. Bharati Pravin Pawar, MPs

(a) & (b) The Government approved in November, 2017 Mahila Shakti Kendra Scheme, as a centrally sponsored scheme, under Ministry of Women and Child Development to empower rural women through community participation. The scheme aims to facilitate inter-sectoral convergence of schemes and programs meant for women both at the Central and State/UT level. The scheme envisages community engagement through College Student Volunteers in 115 aspirational districts as part of block level initiatives; District Level Centre for Women (DLCW) in 640 districts to facilitate women centric schemes and provide foothold for Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP) scheme; State Resource Centre for Women to support respective government in implementation of women centric schemes/programs and also function as Project Management Unit for BBBP Scheme with separate funds allocated for State/UT level activities.

The POSHAN Abhiyaan is also being implemented since 18th December 2017 to improve nutritional status of Children from 0-6 years, Adolescent Girls, Pregnant Women and Lactating Mothers in a time bound manner with fixed targets.

The Pradhan Mantri Matru VandanaYojana (PMMVY), is effective from1st January, 2017 for pregnant women and lactating mothers to partially compensate for the wage loss that may occur during pregnancy and promote a health seeking behavior.

The Ministry of Panchayati Raj on 24th April, 2018 launched the restructured Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan (RGSA) with the primary aim of strengthening Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) by way of capacity building and training (CB&T) for their Elected Representatives (ERs) for achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with the priority to aspirational districts and cluster under Mission Antyodaya. The scheme has programmatic focus for basic orientation training within six months and refresher training within two years in respect of approx 31 lakhs of Panchayats out of which sizable number (42%) are elected women representative (EWRs). RGSA also focuses on Self Help Group (SHG)-PRI convergence to ensure effective community mobilisation and greater women participation in social, economic and political activities.

(c) Funds released under Mahila Shakti Kendra Scheme (Financial Year 2017-18 up to Financial Year 2019-2020) State/UT-wise is at Annexure I. Funds released to States/UTs under Rashtriya Gram SwarajAbhiyan (RGSA) during the year 2018-19 & 2019-20 is at Annexure-II.

(d) & (e) Under Mahila Shakti Kendra Scheme, Capacity Building of Women Collectives is envisaged in collaboration with Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) / Co-operatives Societies / Krishi Vigyan Kendras in not more than 50% of the MSK blocks in the 115 aspirational districts to address livelihood needs of women particularly those in remote/vulnerable areas where women are not in a position to move out individually of their immediate surroundings for formal skill training. DC/DM of the concerned aspirational district is mandated to call for proposals from Non-governmental organizations/other institutions and evaluate their viability as per Addendum dated 20th December 2018.

Annexure - I
Funds (central share) released under Mahila Shakti Kendra State/ UT-wise

(Amount in ? in lakh)
SI. No. Name of State/UT FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20
(as on 02.03.2020)
1 Andaman & Nicobar 10.9 0 20.58
2 Andhra Pradesh 7.39 277.2 21.13
3 Arunachal Pradesh 0 151.35 38.61
4 Assam 980 0 88.30
5 Bihar 1022.2 25.83 48.62
6 Chandigarh 10.9 33.44 14.03
7 Chhattisgarh 863.19 7.28 35.41
8 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 10.9 0 10.48
9 Daman & Diu 10.9 6.15 19.90
10 Delhi 0 0 0
11 Goa 0 0 11.42
12 Gujarat 49.1 214.64 98.14
13 Haryana 0 6.91 94.57
14 Himachal Pradesh 0 137.45 52.94
15 Jammu and Kashmir 22.5 241.71 13.71
16 Jharkhand 1776.36 0 29.71
17 Karnataka 10.8 169.83 62.92
18 Kerala 0 74.26 34.32
19 Lakshadweep 10.9 0 4.83
20 Madhya Pradesh 0 479.02 31.46
21 Maharashtra 0 144.63 22.88
22 Manipur 137.34 33.21 4.29
23 Meghalaya 61.31 158.85 25.74
24 Mizoram 117.82 166.77 109.72
25 Nagaland 95.13 221.57 80.76
26 Odisha 0 737.95 37.18
27 Puducherry 54.06 9.18 14.30
28 Punjab 0 87.50 7.30
29 Rajasthan 74.9 278.24 25.14
30 Sikkim 0 99.85 4.29
31 Tamil Nadu 36.18 227.86 105.81
32 Telangana 13.2 288.62 11.26
33 Tripura 19.9 125.50 0
34 Uttar Pradesh 0 362.13 17.16
35 Uttarakhand 18.89 226.14 31.21
36 West Bengal 24.37 453.62 31.46
Total 5439.14 5446.69 1259.58

Annexure - II

States/UTs wise sanctioned and released under RGPSA/CB PSA/RGSA(Period 2018-19 to 2019-20
Rs. in Crore

SL .No.
Name of the State/ UT RGSA
2018-19 2019-20
AAP approved Released AAP approved Released
1 Andaman & Nicobar Islands 1.5 0 1.69 0
2 Andhra Pradesh 128.54 67.69 183.84 0
3 Arunachal Pradesh 40.72 33.19 46.58 39.59
4 Assam 77.27 39.21 76.02 23.22
5 Bihar 108.02 4.25 76.24 0
6 Chandigarh 0 0 0
7 Chhattisgarh 25.87 7.24 37.29
8 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 1.628 0 2.9 0
9 Daman & Diu 1.21 0 0.89 0
10 Goa 4.39 0 3.71 0
11 Gujarat 27.92 0 55.09 0
12 Haryana 55.55 6.99 136.48 0
13 Himachal Pradesh 19.18 17.26 127.95 10.00
14 Jammu & Kashmir 49.51 25.06 197.21 6.19
15 Jharkhand 28.53 4.49 34.62 0
16 Karnataka 66.08 0 71.03 0
17 Kerala 51.78 7.68 52.81 0
18 Lakshadweep 0 0 0 0
19 Madhya Pradesh 215.29 62.79 229.84 85.48
20 Maharashtra 102.54 11.54 119.71 8.43
21 Manipur 20.6 9.25 15.51 4.54
22 Mizoram 10.97 9.85 9.88 0.5
23 Meghalaya 9.86 4.44 15.02 2.63
24 Nagaland 8.76 7.89 10.14 3.94
25 Odisha 50.68 0 28.55 0
26 Puducherry 0 0 4.01 0
27 Punjab 98.93 29.68 91.12 0
28 Rajasthan 61.81 25.57 83.31 0
29 Sikkim 11.29 5.08 11.80 5.1
30 Tamil Nadu 96 57.6 190.37 5.3
31 Telangana 66.75 0 279.52 0
32 Tripura 7.5 2.77 16.51 0
33 Uttar Pradesh 249.24 57.14 842.45 169.92
34 Uttarakhand 37.37 33.05 62.80 23.79
35 West Bengal 91.59 54.94 98.24 44.1
Total 1826.878 584.65 3213.13 432.73

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