(a) to (c) A Statement is laid on the Table of the House.
Statement referred to in Reply to the Lok Sabha Starred Question No.302 due for Answer on 11.12.2001
The Ministry of Rural Development are implementing, amongst others, the Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana (SGRY) and the Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY) to generate further employment opportunities in the rural areas. Under the SGSY, 40% of the Swarozgaris assisted have to be women and 50% of the Groups formed in each Block should be exclusively for women. For the current year, the JGSY and the EAS are being continued as a part of the SGRY. Under the JGSY component of the Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana, 30% of the employment opportunities are reserved for women.
2. The progress made in regard to women beneficiaries during the last three years and so far in the current year, State-wise, under the erstwhile IRDP, the EAS and the JGSY (merged in the SGRY this year), and the SGSY is shown in Annexures I, II and III enclosed.
Statement referred to in relpy to part (c) Lok Sabha Starred Question No.302 due for reply on 11.12.20Statement referred to in relpy to part (c) Lok Sabha Starred Question No.302 due for reply on 11.12.2001
State-wise Total Swarozgaris Assisted, Women Swarozgaris Assisted and Percentage of Women under the ersState-wise Total Swarozgaris Assisted, Women Swarozgaris Assisted and Percentage of Women under the erstwhile
IRDP During 1998-99 and under the SGSY During 1999-2000 to 2001-02 (upto October,2001) IRDP During 1998-99 and under the SGSY During 1999-2000 to 2001-02 (upto October,2001)
(Number) (Number)
Sl. STATES /U.T. 1998-99 1999-2000 Sl. STATES /U.T. 2000-01 2 (upto Oct.,01)
No. Total Women Percentage Total Women Percentage No. Total Women Percentage Total Women Percentage Swarozgaris Swarozgaris of Swarozgaris Swarozgaris of SwarozgarisSwarozgarisof SwarozgarisSwarozgaris of Assisted Assisted Women Assisted Assisted Women Assisted Assisted Women Assisted Assisted Women Under IRDP Under SGSY Under SGSY Under SGSY Under SGSY Under SGSY Under SGSY
1Andhra Pradesh 140880 56683 40.23 165190 114262 69.17 1Andhra Pradesh 83084 56960 68.56 32296 25193 78.01
2Arunachal Pradesh 12432 6580 52.93 3060 1169 38.20 2Arunachal Pradesh 1403 607 43.26 157 56 35.67
3Assam 47264 11443 24.21 17974 5850 32.55 3Assam 12282 4717 38.41 214 73 34.11
4Bihar 176213 27194 15.43 106393 35727 33.58 4Bihar 125792 34726 27.61 55234 17871 32.36
5Chattisgarh 0.00 0.00 5Chattisgarh 25423 3544 13.94 7682 2088 27.18
6Goa 895 454 50.73 0 0 0.00 6Goa 23 7 30.43 21 14 66.67
7Gujarat 39598 13750 34.72 19341 6618 34.22 7Gujarat 29241 8803 30.10 9894 2827 28.57
8Haryana 16743 7838 46.81 17348 9527 54.92 8Haryana 25853 13130 50.79 7179 3499 48.74
9Himachal Pradesh 7331 2759 37.63 8638 3610 41.79 9Himachal Pradesh 11647 6033 51.80 2972 1665 56.02
10Jammu & Kashmir 13992 NR 0.00 5835 NR NR 10Jammu & Kashmir 9302 4700 50.53 1955 0 0.00
11Jharkhand 0.00 0.00 11Jharkhand 55038 12970 23.57 17598 6582 37.40
12Karnataka 88007 34169 38.83 19184 10946 57.06 12Karnataka 29026 17174 59.17 13032 7293 55.96
13Kerala 39836 18594 46.68 29485 15443 52.38 13Kerala 37926 20790 54.82 6570 4123 62.75
14Madhya Pradesh 126617 23392 18.47 112118 29435 26.25 14Madhya Pradesh 71823 19124 26.63 11343 3111 27.43
15Maharashtra 145667 64891 44.55 87994 36268 41.22 15Maharashtra 87998 33897 38.52 13125 3974 30.28
16Manipur 1638 486 29.67 NR NR 16Manipur NR N.R. NR 0 0 0.00
17Meghalaya 4219 1849 43.83 741 403 54.39 17Meghalaya 1671 1339 80.13 2023 883 43.65
18Mizoram 3138 1172 37.35 0 0 0.00 18Mizoram 1352 437 32.32 2891 507 17.54
19Nagaland 5773 1764 30.56 4749 2454 51.67 19Nagaland 1364 498 36.51 0 0.00
20Orissa 105008 33467 31.87 74633 21713 29.09 20Orissa 86171 21347 24.77 13498 3267 24.20
21Punjab 10357 3873 37.39 1694 1040 61.39 21Punjab 11990 4512 37.63 3273 1114 34.04
22Rajasthan 62922 22645 35.99 34120 13847 40.58 22Rajasthan 44504 17888 40.19 10467 4648 44.41
23Sikkim 1937 467 24.11 686 270 39.36 23Sikkim 1873 439 23.44 591 149 25.21
24Tamil Nadu 142813 59855 41.91 65427 52139 79.69 24Tamil Nadu 83393 73384 88.00 20929 18786 89.76
25Tripura 18816 6296 33.46 8450 2757 32.63 25Tripura 14640 5421 37.03 2276 1175 51.63
26Uttar Pradesh 391832 152300 38.87 60647 15642 25.79 26Uttar Pradesh 124064 28865 23.27 50086 13211 26.38
27Uttaranchal 0.00 NR NR NR 27Uttaranchal 31555 15203 48.18 37890 18275 48.23
28West Bengal 71134 24742 34.78 88826 36974 41.63 28West Bengal 21230 15317 72.15 3812 1173 30.77
29A&N Islands 604 154 25.50 795 223 28.05 29A&N Islands 448 119 26.56 8 0 0.00
30Daman & Diu 119 4 3.36 0 0 0.00 30Daman & Diu 6 0 0.00 0 0.00
31D & N Haveli 71 42 59.15 6 4 66.67 31D & N Haveli 0 0 0.00 0 0.00
32Lakshadweep 9 5 55.56 3 0 0.00 32Lakshadweep 4 2 50.00 0 0.00
33Pondicherry 1317 838 63.63 531 369 69.49 33Pondicherry 39 24 61.54 146 29 19.86
TOTAL 1677182 577706 34.45 933868 416690 44.62 TOTAL 1030165 421977 40.96 327162 141586 43.28
NR= Not Reported