Question : Rural Sanitation Strategy

(a) the key areas under the Rural Sanitation Strategy (2019-2020) formulated by the Government;
(b) the details of technology being used for grey water treatment;
(c) the steps being taken for black water sludge management;
(d) the steps undertaken in this regard in the State of Haryana;
(e) the details of technology being used for plastic treatment; and
(f) the manner in which bio-waste is being treated and used thereunder?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Government had launched Swachh Bharat Mission (Grameen) [SBM(G)] with effect from 2nd October, 2014 with the goal to achieve universal sanitation coverage by providing access to toilets to all rural households in the country by 2nd October, 2019. Second phase of SBM(G) has been approved by the Government to be implemented from 2020-21 to 2024-25. A 10-year rural sanitation strategy 2019-2029 has also been launched. The main components of the programme are construction of individual household latrines, community sanitary complexes, solid and liquid waste management (SLWM), and Information, Education and Communication (IEC). SLWM includes biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste management, greywater management and faecal sludge management.

(b) For greywater treatment, the suggested technology options are construction of soak pits/ leach pits/ magic pits/ Waste Stabilisation Ponds/ Constructed Wetlands/ Decentralized Wastewater Treatment System (DEWATS), etc. However, the States have been given flexibility to choose the technology best suited to the local conditions.

(c) Regarding faecal sludge (including black water) management, under SBM(G), on-site sanitation system is recommended, such as construction of twin leach pit toilets, in which fecal matter is treated on-site. However, for some households having septic tanks or single pit toilets, especially in densely populated or large peri-urban villages, faecal sludge management system can be planned.

(d) As per the information furnished by the State of Haryana in its Annual Implementation Plans, the activities taken-up by the State are - construction of sheds for solid waste management, construction of compost pits, bio-gas plant, waste stabilisation ponds, etc.

(e) The main components of plastic waste management are – (i) door to door and street collection of non-biodegradable wastes including plastics, (ii) construction of sheds at village for segregation and transportation of the waste to Material Recovery Facility, (iii) sale of plastics that have value to recyclers, (iv) shredding/bailing of plastic waste at material recovery facility, (v) disposal of the shredded plastics by using in road construction or co-processing in cement industries.

(f) The bio-waste is bio-degradable and invariably treated with suitable technologies (like composting etc) and products generated are being used as manure in rural areas.

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