Question : Awareness Programme on Women Related Issues

(a) whether the Union Government is working on micro levels, particularly in rural areas to conduct Awareness Programmes on Women related issues and to impart awareness on cancer and its early detection;

(b) if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor;

(c) whether the Union Government and Ministry of Women and Child Development has signed any MoU with NGOs and Social Organisations to create such awareness on the issues affecting women and children;

(d) if so, the details thereof; and

(e) the total funds allocated for the same during each of the last three years and the current year, State/UT-wise?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b) : The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has laid renewed emphasis on promotive and preventive health, which is being advocated through expansive and targeted IEC Campaigns by using traditional as well as New Media in order to spread awareness in rural areas about various women issues related to Maternal Health, Child Health and Family Planning. The Ministry has designed an integrated media plan under the 360 degree communication approach and is taking up focussed activities under electronic, print, social media, Outdoor Media and others such as Melas, etc. So far as imparting awareness on cancer and its early detection is concerned for early diagnosis, population level initiative of prevention, control and screening of common Non-Communicable Disease (NCDs) (diabetes, hypertension and cancers viz. oral, breast and cervical cancer) has been initiated under National Health Mission. The plan is to leverage the services of Accredited Social health Activist (ASHA) and Nurses/Auxiliary Nurse Midwifery (ANM) in screening of NCD risk factors as well as early detection and referral of NCDs. This initiative would strengthen the comprehensive approach to primary health care. The interventions would include enumeration and screening of population above 30 years of age, followed by referral of suspected/diagnosed cases for management under the existing health system. Under the initiative, guidelines have been provided to the States and training provided for various levels of care-providers from ASHAs to Medical Officers (MO). The programme has been rolled out in more than 150 districts dazuring 2017-18. Till December 2017, 29,270 ASHAs, 11,635 ANMs and 1607 MOs have been trained. Under the initiative, over 60 lakh people have been screened till December 2017.

The States also conduct awareness programme as part of the NHM state implementation plans (PIPs) approved every year. These include mass, mid-media and inter-personal communication.

(c) to (e) : Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has informed that the information is being collected.


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