(a) & (b): The details of revenue collection during the financial year 2007-08 are as under:
(i) Direct Taxes - siutou
The break-up of the collection up to February, 2008 is as under:
(Rs. in Crore)
Direct Taxes BE 2007-08 RE 2007-08 Revenue realized during April, 2007 - February, 2008
Corporate Tax 168401 186125 139241
Personal Income 98774 118320 93112
Tax (Including
Other Taxes 315 315 323
Total 267490 304760 232676
(II) Indirect Taxes -
(Rs. in Crore)
Indirect Taxes BE 2007-08 RE 2007-08 Revenue realized during April, 2007 - January, 2008 (Provisional)
Union Excise Duty# 129043 126709 97559
Customs Duty 98770 100766 84258
Service Tax 50200 50603 39559
Total 278013 278078 221376
#Exclusive of cess not administered by Department of Revenue
The revenue collection from Direct Tax and Indirect Tax during the current financial year 2007-08
has not yet exceeded the target. With the current trend of growth in Revenue collection, however,
the Budget Estimate will be exceeded and the Revised Estimate is likely to be achieved.
(c) The Government has taken a number of steps to improve collection of revenue. Some of these are
Spreading knowledge about TDS & TCS provisions by organizing training programme for Govt.departments
and PSUs; Monitoring of the recovery of arrears by a Task force; Monitoring of advance tax payments
by top taxpayers; Detection of new areas of violation/avoidance of the provisions of TDS and taking
action for proper deduction and deposit of TDS; Computerization of the Departmental business
processes and databases for linking of information and reporting of high value transactions;
Collection of data of purchase of luxury goods and issuance of notices in suitable cases;
Multi-media campaign to encourage voluntary compliance of tax laws; Strengthening of tax
administration by providing extra manpower and adequate infrastructure; Strengthening of audit
capacity; Automation of business process, so that revenue risk is identified expeditiously and
addressed in a scientific manner, Taxpayer education; Dissemination of information relating to
various laws and levies; regular monitoring of commodity-wise/service-wise revenue; faster
completion of pending investigations for issue of show cause notices, strengthening tax
administration in key areas such as Service Tax, Internal Audit, Ports, etc.; inclusion of
deterrent provisions in central excise laws; monitoring of export obligations under the export
promotion schemes, etc.