(a) whether Rajiv Gandhi Drinking Water Mission was implemented successfully;

(b) if so, the total amount allotted to and utilized by each State under the Scheme during each of the last three years, State-wise;

(c) whether there were any weakness or failure of its implementation; and

(d) if so, the steps taken to rectify the same?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (d) A statement is laid on the Table of the House.

The Statement referred to in reply to Lok Sabha Starred Question No. 449 to be answered on 26.8.2004

(a) Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission under the Department of Drinking Water Supply in the Ministry of Rural Development has been implementing the Centrally sponsored Accelerated Rural Water Supply Programme (ARWSP) successfully by extending technical and financial assistance to the States for supplementing their efforts in providing safe drinking water to all rural habitations of the country.

(b) A statement indicating the amount allocated, released and the unspent balance available with the States for the last three years is annexed.

(c) & (d) The entire amount allocated to the Department of Drinking Water Supply has been utilized. However, some of the States are not able to utilize funds fully under Accelerated Rural Water Supply Programme (ARWSP) within the same financial year because of a number of reasons like their inability to match the releases with an equal amount from State resources, inability to send complete proposals with all requisite documents for claiming the funds on time and late submission of proposals, resulting in late releases. During Periodic Review Meetings, States are requested to accord higher priority to rural water supply sector and make adequate allocation in States` budgets. Technical assistance and policy support are also rendered to the States for effective implementation of rural water supply schemes.


Sl. State/UT Opening Allocation Release Total Expend. Unspent No. Balance Availability Reported Balance as on of Funds as on 1-4-2001 (col.3 + col.5 ) 31-3-2002 (Col.6 - Col.7)
1 Andhra Pr 580.50 845.68 676.54 1257.04 1003.34 253.70 2 Gujarat 0.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 0.00 3 Haryana 0.00 908.64 1275.92 1275.92 1275.92 0.00 4 Himachal Pr. 20.24 7.41 5.21 25.45 25.45 0.00 5 J&K 69.67 209.88 0.00 69.67 39.32 30.35 6 Karnataka 34.55 1133.74 1147.68 1182.23 112.09 1070.14 7 Rajasthan 1563.17 5794.65 5794.65 7357.82 4752.82 2605.00
Total 2268.13 9300.00 9300.00 11568.13 7608.94 3959.19
(Table Continued...)
Sl. State/UT Opening Allocation Release Total Expend. Unspent No. Balance Availability Reported Balance as on of Funds as on 1-4-2002 ( Col.9 + col.11) 31-3-2003 ( col.12-col.13)
1 Andhra Pr 253.70 1388.00 1342.50 1596.20 1596.20 0.00 2 Gujarat 0.00 153.00 153.00 153.00 153.00 0.00 3 Haryana 0.00 944.00 944.00 944.00 944.00 0.00 4 Himachal Pr. 0.00 8.00 4.00 4.00 5.50 0.00 5 J&K 30.35 64.00 32.00 62.35 15.35 47.00 6 Karnataka 1070.14 1177.00 786.68 1856.82 1540.08 316.74 7 Rajasthan 2605.00 6019.00 4770.66 7375.66 7375.66 0.00
Total 3959.19 9753.00 8032.84 11992.03 11629.7 363.74

(Table Continued...)
Sl. State/UT Opening Allocation Release Total Expend. Unspent No. Balance Availability Reported Balance as on of Funds as on 1-4-2003 (col.15 + col.17) 31-3-2004 (Col.18 - Col.19)
1 Andhra Pr 0.00 1424.00 1424.00 1424.00 1424.00 0.00 2 Gujarat 0.00 153.00 153.00 153.00 152.57 0.43 3 Haryana 0.00 968.00 968.00 968.00 968.00 0.00 4 Himachal Pr. 0.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 4.61 3.39 5 J&K 47.00 65.00 50.63 97.63 41.71 55.92 6 Karnataka 316.74 1208.00 1208.00 1524.74 1315.26 209.48 7 Rajasthan 0.00 6174.00 6174.00 6174.00 5956.56 217.44
Total 363.74 10000.0 9985.63 10349.37 9862.71 486.66

# As per information received from States till 9-8-2004.

( Rs in Lakh)
Sl. State/UT Opening Allocation Release Total Expend. Unspent No. Balance Availability Reported Balance as on of Funds as on 1-4-2001 (col.3+col.5 ) 31-3-2002 (Col6-Col7)
1 ANDHRA PR. 0.00 13044.00 13601.10 13601.10 13044.00 557.10 2 ARUNACHAL. PR 19.05 4476.00 2455.91 2474.96 2365.56 109.40 3 ASSAM 1354.96 7561.00 5357.67 6712.63 5122.79 1589.84 4 BIHAR 1370.12 7274.00 0.00 1370.12 932.29 437.83 5 CHHATTISGARH 0.00 3877.00 3977.00 3977.00 3843.60 133.40 6 GOA 175.97 1455.00 727.50 903.47 241.23 662.24 7 GUJARAT 1636.25 7837.00 9376.30 11012.55 10769.58 242.97 8 HARYANA 0.00 2200.00 2200.00 2200.00 2200.00 0.00 9 HIMACHAL PR. 7.22 5552.00 6452.00 6459.22 6459.22 0.00 10 J & K 2994.27 9896.00 6292.10 9286.37 8120.16 1166.21 11 JHARKHAND 4246.15 3619.00 1809.50 6055.65 4483.00 1572.65 12 KARNATAKA 757.62 12414.00 12714.00 13471.62 12694.08 777.54 13 KERALA 2235.65 6331.00 5045.00 7280.65 4203.99 3076.66 14 MADHYA PR. 0.00 8877.00 9077.00 9077.00 8438.42 638.58 15 MAHARASHTRA 69.25 19159.00 19659.00 19728.25 19228.25 500.00 16 MANIPUR 253.52 1643.00 821.50 1075.02 497.23 577.79 17 MEGHALAYA 456.49 1760.00 1215.51 1672.00 1515.04 156.96 18 MIZORAM 0.85 1257.00 1634.10 1634.95 1255.48 379.47 19 NAGALAND 0.00 1308.00 1700.40 1700.40 1308.00 392.40 20 ORISSA 2518.99 6522.00 4852.09 7371.08 6632.53 738.55 21 PUNJAB 256.14 2277.00 1985.50 2241.64 2085.73 155.91 22 RAJASTHAN 6591.67 18705.00 14919.08 21510.75 15295.40 6215.35 23 SIKKIM 0.00 536.00 696.80 696.80 696.80 0.00 24 TAMILNADU 0.00 7956.00 8956.00 8956.00 7956.00 1000.00 25 TRIPURA 0.00 1559.00 2026.70 2026.70 1559.00 467.70 26 U.P. 2196.00 13269.00 13063.35 15259.35 10733.51 4525.84 27 UTTARANCHAL 0.00 3356.00 3447.88 3447.88 3117.39 330.49 28 WEST BENGAL 243.40 8773.00 8947.63 9191.03 8824.46 366.57 29 A&N ISLANDS 4.40 13.00 0.00 4.40 0.00 4.40 30 D&N HAVELI 10.49 7.00 0.00 10.49 10.04 0.45 31 DAMAN & DIU 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 32 DELHI 0.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 33 LAKSHADWEEP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 34 PONDICHERRY 0.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
TOTAL 27398.46 182523.00 163010.62 190409.08 163632.78 26776.30
(Table Continued...)
Sl. State/UT Opening Allocation Release Total Expend. Unspent No. Balance Availability Reported Balance as on of Funds as on 1-4-2002 ( Col9 +col11) 31-3-2003 ( col 12-col13)
1 ANDHRA PR. 557.10 13477.00 16481.42 17038.52 13388.52 3650.00 2 ARUNACHAL. PR 109.40 4977.00 3650.00 3759.40 2748.96 1010.44 3 ASSAM 1589.84 8407.00 5252.50 6842.34 4848.70 1993.64 4 BIHAR 437.83 7406.00 3703.00 4140.83 3309.23 831.60 5 CHHATTISGARH 133.40 2443.00 2943.00 3076.40 2602.92 473.48 6 GOA 662.24 122.00 0.00 662.24 23.62 638.62 7 GUJARAT 242.97 6546.00 9844.75 10087.72 9338.48 749.24 8 HARYANA 0.00 2002.00 2402.00 2402.00 2402.00 0.00 9 HIMACHAL PR. 0.00 5635.00 8225.00 8225.00 7671.60 553.40 10 J & K 1166.21 12324.00 11164.39 12330.60 6105.64 6224.96 11 JHARKHAND 1572.65 3063.00 1949.80 3522.45 3369.46 152.99 12 KARNATAKA 777.54 11136.00 13568.68 14346.22 11530.26 2815.96 13 KERALA 3076.66 3698.00 1899.30 4975.96 4252.69 723.27 14 MADHYA PR. 638.58 7159.00 9586.08 10224.66 8594.90 1629.76 15 MAHARASHTRA 500.00 16829.00 19336.24 19836.24 16842.07 2994.17 16 MANIPUR 577.79 1826.00 947.00 1524.79 1193.41 331.38 17 MEGHALAYA 156.96 1957.00 2935.50 3092.46 1663.69 1428.77 18 MIZORAM 379.47 1398.00 2097.00 2476.47 2097.00 379.47 19 NAGALAND 392.40 1454.00 2181.00 2573.40 1628.78 944.62 20 ORISSA 738.55 6225.00 5829.80 6568.35 6531.73 36.62 21 PUNJAB 155.91 2581.00 3081.00 3236.91 3236.91 0.00 22 RAJASTHAN 6215.35 20731.00 18825.30 25040.65 22505.36 2535.29 23 SIKKIM 0.00 597.00 895.50 895.50 639.06 256.44 24 TAMILNADU 1000.00 6358.00 7558.00 8558.00 7358.00 1200.00 25 TRIPURA 467.70 1734.00 2427.60 2895.30 1335.82 1559.48 26 U.P. 4525.84 13022.00 11349.46 15875.30 12683.40 3191.90 27 UTTARANCHAL 330.49 3083.00 3683.00 4013.49 3169.75 843.74 28 WEST BENGAL 366.57 8545.00 10115.00 10481.57 7930.44 2551.13 29 A&N ISLANDS 4.40 13.00 0.00 4.40 0.00 4.40 30 D&N HAVELI 0.45 7.00 0.00 0.45 0.00 0.45 31 DAMAN & DIU 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 32 DELHI 0.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 33 LAKSHADWEEP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 34 PONDICHERRY 0.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
TOTAL 26776.30 174765.00 181931.32 208707.62 169002.40 39705.22
(Table Continued...)
Sl. State/UT Opening Allocation Release Total Expend. Unspent No. Balance Availability Reported Balance as on of Funds as on 1-4-2003 (col.15+col.17) 31-3-2004 (Col18-Col19)
1 ANDHRA PR. 3650.00 11688.00 11688.00 15338.00 15338.00 0.00 2 ARUNACHAL. PR 1010.44 4962.00 4102.40 5112.84 4292.01 820.83 3 ASSAM 1993.64 8403.00 5772.62 7766.26 5462.20 2304.06 4 BIHAR 831.60 6319.00 3159.50 3991.10 2428.41 1562.69 5 CHHATTISGARH 473.48 1901.00 2574.00 3047.48 2997.36 50.12 6 GOA 638.62 105.00 0.00 638.62 87.29 551.33 7 GUJARAT 749.24 5537.00 8305.00 9054.24 9053.81 0.43 8 HARYANA 0.00 1694.00 1694.00 1694.00 1694.00 0.00 9 HIMACHAL PR. 553.40 4919.00 5129.00 5682.40 5554.81 127.59 10 J & K 6224.96 10833.00 12800.00 19024.96 15286.78 3738.18 11 JHARKHAND 152.99 2575.00 2060.00 2212.99 1419.53 793.46 12 KARNATAKA 2815.96 10104.00 10854.00 13669.96 13148.07 521.89 13 KERALA 723.27 3645.00 4268.71 4991.98 4991.98 0.00 14 MADHYA PR. 1629.76 6079.00 7310.00 8939.76 8939.76 0.00 15 MAHARASHTRA 2994.17 15710.00 15710.00 18704.17 13953.65 4750.52 16 MANIPUR 331.38 1833.00 1624.15 1955.53 11.10 1944.43 17 MEGHALAYA 1428.77 1967.00 1811.78 3240.55 2119.70 1120.85 18 MIZORAM 379.47 1386.00 1386.00 1765.47 1762.77 2.70 19 NAGALAND 944.62 1453.00 1626.73 2571.35 1671.12 900.23 20 ORISSA 36.62 5303.00 4713.81 4750.43 4750.43 0.00 21 PUNJAB 0.00 2269.00 2269.00 2269.00 2269.00 0.00 22 RAJASTHAN 2535.29 15852.00 17194.51 19729.80 19209.75 520.05 23 SIKKIM 256.44 603.00 763.00 1019.44 1005.32 14.12 24 TAMILNADU 1200.00 4869.00 6269.00 7469.00 7469.00 0.00 25 TRIPURA 1559.48 1743.00 1903.00 3462.48 2438.07 1024.41 26 U.P. 3191.90 11086.00 10457.00 13648.90 11085.98 2562.92 27 UTTARANCHAL 843.74 2635.00 2371.50 3215.24 2245.40 969.84 28 WEST BENGAL 2551.13 6827.00 6827.00 9378.13 8362.04 1016.09 29 A&N ISLANDS 4.40 5.63 0.00 4.40 0.00 4.40 30 D&N HAVELI 0.45 3.75 0.00 0.45 0.00 0.45 31 DAMAN & DIU 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 32 DELHI 0.00 2.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 33 LAKSHADWEEP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 34 PONDICHERRY 0.00 2.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
TOTAL 39705.22 152315.00 154643.71 194348.93 169047.34 25301.59

# As per information received from States/UTs till 9-8-2004.
Note:- Information does not include releases made in respect of Swajaldhara, Sector Reforms Project, HRD, IEC & M&I etc. and expenditure incurred centrally.