Question : MoU between India and African-Asian Rural Development Organisation

(a) whether African-Asian Rural Development Organization (AARDO) is an autonomous, inter-governmental organization formed to promote cooperation among the countries of the African-Asian region to eradicate thirst, hunger, illiteracy and poverty in the region and if so, the details thereof;

(b) whether any Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed between India and AARDO for capacity building programmes in the rural development sector and if so, the details thereof;

(c) the names of institutions identified for organizing the capacity building programmes in the country; and

(d) the extent to which the aforesaid MoU is likely to promote cooperation among the countries of the African-Asian region to eradicate thirst, hunger, illiteracy, disease and poverty?

Answer given by the minister


(a): Yes Sir. The details are as per Annexure I

(b): A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the African-Asian Rural Development Organization (AARDO) and the Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD) for the capacity building programmes in India, for the triennium 2015- 2017 for AARDO sponsored candidates from its member countries, is under process for signature. The details of the MoU are as per Annexure II.

(c): The following institutions have been identified for organizing the capacity building programmes in the country:

1. Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute (IASRI), New Delhi.

2. Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Lucknow.

3. Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering (CIAE), Bhopal.

4. Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi.

5. Central Soil Salinity Research Institute (CSSRI), Karnal.

(d): AARDO is one of the earliest examples of South-South cooperation in rural development in the African-Asian region. The Organization was set up with a view to promote coordinated efforts, exchange of experts for cooperative action for furthering the objectives of development of the rural areas in the member countries of Asia and Africa. It also promotes collaboration with various international organisations for the economic and social welfare of the rural community.

The MoU with AARDO, recognizing the importance of Human Resource Development for AARDO member countries helps in increasing the scope of capacity building programmes of AARDO for poverty reduction and rural development in its member countries. The capacity building /training programmes carried out under the MoU help in equipping the candidates with knowledge and techniques on eradication of poverty and rural development.



Brief on African-Asian Rural Development Organization (AARDO)

AARDO formed in 1962, is an Inter-Governmental, International Organization comprising 31 members from Africa and Asia with headquarters at New Delhi.

India is a key founder member and contributed significantly in the conceptualization and formation of AARDO.

Organs of the organization:

(i) Conference – the highest policy-making Body represented by Ministers

(ii) Committee – represented by the Permanent Secretaries/ Secretaries

(iii) Liaison Committee- represented by the Ambassadors of the member countries and Joint Secretary (IC), MoRD

(iv) Secretariat – headed by the Secretary General and six (6) Regional Offices

(v) Technical Programme Committee represented by the Heads of the link Institutions etc.

Secretary General: H.E.Eng. Wassfi Hassan El-Sreihin from Jordan.

Asstt. Secretary General: Dr. Manoj Nardeosingh from Mauritius

Regional Offices:

1. Seoul for the Far-East

2. Amman for Middle East

3. Accra for Western Africa

4. Cairo for the North Eastern Africa

5. Lusaka for Southern Africa

6. Islamabad, Pakistan


• To provide assistance in evolving an integrated approach to rural development for more effective and speedier reconstruction of African-Asian societies and economies;

• To facilitate exchange of successful experiences in the field of rural development and flow of technical assistance among its members; and

• To take up relevant pilot projects to demonstrate the feasibility of selected propositions.

Programme priorities:

i. To develop understanding among members for promoting welfare, eradication of thirst, hunger, illiteracy, disease and poverty among rural people.

ii. To assist member countries in obtaining financial and technical assistance for rural development programmes.

iii. To collaborate with appropriate International and Regional Organizations for accelerating the pace of rural development in member countries.

iv. To assist in the formation and development of organizations of farmers and other rural people.

v. To promote cooperative activities in various aspects of life of the rural communities.

vi. To promote exchange of visits of farmers and experts from one country to another.

vii. To organize international and regional meetings, seminars, conferences, exhibitions and fairs and produce literature and undertake publicity.


• Human Resource Development – through training, Participative Technical Cooperation among Members.

• Participatory Technical Assistance Programme – Ministerial-level visits and study visits by Experts/Specialists.

• International Workshop/Seminars.

• Development of Pilot Projects and their financing.

• Dissemination of Information.

• Collaboration with other International Organizations and International Cooperative Alliance.

Member-countries of AARDO: - (As per list attached)

The present membership of the organization is 31.

List of Member-countries of AARDO

1. Bangladesh

2. Burkina Faso

3. Egypt

4. Ethiopia

5. Ghana

6. Gambia

7. India

8. Iraq

9. Jordan

10. Kenya

11. South Korea

12. Liberia

13. Lebanon

14. Libya

15. Malaysia

16. Malawi

17. Morocco

18. Mauritius

19. Oman

20. Pakistan

21. Philippines

22. Taiwan (Republic of China)

23. Sri Lanka

24. Syria

25. Sierra Leone

26. Sudan

27. Yemen

28. Zambia

29. Nigeria and the Institute of Rural Development

30. Kenya

31. Palestine



a. The capacity building programmes for the AARDO nominees shall be organized every year during the triennium 2015-2017 at various Institutions of Excellence in India such as National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj (NIRD&PR), institutions governed by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), Indian Institute of Management (IIM) and others.

b. The duration of each training programme shall be of two (2) to three (3) weeks.

c. The identified Centres of Excellence in India shall be requested to make available slots for the training programmes/workshops etc for the AARDO sponsored nominees for the triennium (2015-2017). The number of training slots and institutions shall be revised on yearly basis in view of the demand of member countries within the allocated funds. Diversification of activities by including new programmes shall be allowed as far as the same are organized at the Centres of Excellence in India.

d. Five (5) slots annually shall be offered for AARDO sponsored candidates from the member countries for the PGDRDM programme of one year duration at the National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj (NIRD&PR), Hyderabad, India during the triennium (2015-2017).

e. MoRD shall ensure the availability of allocated funds in time, as and when required.

f. MoRD shall facilitate for the organization of programmes as proposed by AARDO at the identified Centres of Excellence.

g. Should MoRD or host institution make any changes or amendments to the timetable of any of its training programmes, PGDRDM Programme or to change any of the training contents, AARDO shall be duly notified of such change(s) at least four (4) months prior to the commencement of the programmes to enable AARDO to plan its programmes accordingly and provide sufficient time to member countries to fulfill the necessary formalities.

h. MoRD or host institutions shall, in due time, notify AARDO of the accepted candidates.

i. Fellowships granted to AARDO sponsored candidates by MoRD shall cover tuition fees, expenses on boarding, lodging, domestic transportations during the period of capacity building programmes, round-trip air-tickets and daily out of pocket allowances, etc.

j. An amount of Rupees four hundred and fifty (Rs. 450) per participant per day shall be paid as subsistence allowance to the participants attending the short term courses/programmes.

k. Payment of US dollars one thousand ($1000) for each course/workshop/programme shall be paid to AARDO to meet the administrative expenditure.

l. Since AARDO shall assist MoRD in issuing the international air tickets for the participants of various capacity building programmes, MoRD shall timely reimburse the amount so incurred to AARDO.

m. The Memorandum of Understanding shall enter into force from the date of its signature and shall remain valid for a period of three (3) years. In case, for unavoidable reasons any programme is not implemented as scheduled, the MoU can be modified so that the programme can be carried forward for the following year.

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