(a) whether the oil exploration companies are facing huge shortage or rigs for the last many years and for that reason could not meet the stipulated targets;

(b) if so, the steps taken to augment the supply of rigs to oil exploring companies by the Government;

(c) whether it is feasible to manufacture rigs in the country; and

(d) if not, the reasons therefor ?

Answer given by the minister

MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Ministry of Petroleum &Natural Gas ( SHRI DINSHA PATEL)

(a) and (b) Yes, sir. Oil exploration companies are facing a shortage of Rigs, especially for Deep water areas. The drilling targets in the Deep water areas in India have been affected due to shortage of Deep water drilling Rigs.

The shortage of Rigs in the Deep water areas is a world wide phenomenon.

(c) and (d) Onland rigs are being manufactured in India. However, the required infrastructure and technology for Offshore Rig manufacturing in the country is at a nascent stage.