Question : States Benefited by NRCP

(a) whether the Government is assisting the States under National River Conservation Plan (NRCP) and if so, the details thereof along with the names of States which are benefited most by the said scheme;
(b) the quantum of funds allotted to the State of West Bengal and its utilization details thereof; and
(c) if not, the reasons therefor?

Answer given by the minister



(a) to (c) Rivers in the country are polluted mainly due to discharge of untreated and partially treated sewage from cities/towns and industrial effluents. Cleaning of river is a continuous process and Government of India is supplementing the efforts of the State Governments in addressing the challenges of pollution of rivers by providing financial and technical assistance. Assistance is provided to State Governments for abatement of pollution in identified stretches of various rivers (excluding river Ganga and its tributaries) under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme of National River Conservation Plan (NRCP) on cost sharing basis between the Central & State Governments for taking up various pollution abatement works relating to interception & diversion of raw sewage, construction of sewerage systems, setting up of sewage treatment plants, low cost sanitation, river front/bathing ghat development, public participation & awareness programme, etc. The NRCP (excluding river Ganga & its tributaries) has so far covered polluted stretches of 34 rivers in 77 towns spread over 16 States in the country with a sanctioned cost of Rs. 5870.54 crore and sewage treatment capacity of 2522.03 million litres per day (mld) has been created under the programme as per details at Annexure.

In West Bengal, works for pollution abatement of rivers Ganga, Damodar, Mahananda have been implemented at a sanctioned cost of Rs.1500.77crore under NRCP, for which Central funds amounting to Rs. 519.52 crore were allotted and sewage treatment capacity of 554.77mld has been created in the towns till 31.07.2014. From 01.08.2014 onwards, works related to Ganga and its tributaries are covered under the Namami Gange programme. For pollution abatement of rivers Ganga, Damodar and Banka in West Bengal, projects has been sanctioned costing Rs. 3789.71crore under Namami Gange for creation of 864.67 mld treatment capacity & 1063 km of sewer network, for which Central funds amounting to of Rs. 957.16 crore has been released to the State Government and sewage treatment capacity of 60.23mldhas been created along with completion of 232 km sewer network.
Annexure referred to in reply to parts (a) to (c) of Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 4146 to be answered on 19.03.2020 on ‘States Benefited by NRCP”.

State-wise details of rivers, sanctioned cost and sewage treatment capacity created covered under National River Conservation Plan
(excluding Ganga and its tributaries)
(Rs. in crore)
S. No. State Rivers covered Sanctioned Cost Funds released by central Govt. STP capacity created (in mld)
1 Andhra Pradesh Godavari 21.78 259.80 30.00
2 Telangana Godavari & Musi 345.72 621.46
3 Jammu & Kashmir Devika & Tawi 186.74 30.00 0
4 Jharkhand Subarnarekha 3.14 4.26 0
5 Gujarat Sabarmati, Mindola & Tapi 1779.78 493.17 333.00
6 Goa Mandovi 14.09 9.26 12.50
7 Karnataka Tunga, Bhadra, Tungabhadra, Cauvery &Pennar 66.25 47.83 41.64
8 Maharashtra Godavari, Tapi, Krishna, Panchganga & Mula Mutha 1182.86 208.95 260.00
9 Madhya Pradesh Wainganga, Narmada & Tapti 20.16 12.46 7.95
10 Manipur Nambul 97.72 18.00 0
11 Odisha Brahmini, Mahanadi Coastal Area (Puri) 92.74 63.40 50.00
12 Punjab Ghaggar, Beas & Satluj 774.43 516.14 663.20
13 Tamil Nadu Adyar, Cooum, Vaigai, Vennar, Cauvery &Tamrabarani 908.13 623.65 477.66
14 Kerala Pamba 18.45 7.78 4.50
15 Sikkim Rani Chu 275.75 181.43 20.12
16 Nagaland Diphu and Dhansiri 82.80 34.50 0
Total 5870.54


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