Tek Chand , Shri

Tek Chand , Shri

Party Name : Congress
Constituency : Ambala-Simla
State : Punjab
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 1

More Information :
TEK CHAND, SHRI, M.A.. B.C.L. (Oxon.), Barrister-at-Law, Cong. (Punjab—Ambala-Simla—1952): S. of L. Duni Chand; B. Nakodar (Distt. Jullundur), April 9, 1903; ed. at Anglo-Sanskrit High School, Ambala, D.A.V. College, Lahore and St. Catharine (Oxford), Inner Temple, London; m. Shrimati Hem Vati, 1928 and Shrimati Savitri, 1947; 2 D.; Advocate; Chairman, Book Festival Committee, 1949—52.

Club: Member, Simla Amateur Dramatic Club. Hobbies: Photography and Hiking.  Special interest: Library Movement.  Favourite pastime: Travels.  Recreation: Reading and Debating. Publications: ''The Law of Contempt of Court and of Legislature", "The Law of Legal Practitioners", Commentaries on the Punjab Acts and the Child Marriage Restraint Act. Permanent address: Rock House, Simla.