Somani , Shri N.K.

Somani , Shri N.K.

Party Name : Swatantra Party
Constituency : Nagaur
State : Rajasthan
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 4

More Information :
SOMANI, SHRI N. K., B.Sc. (Hons.), Sahitya Ratna, Swa., (Rajasthan-Nagaur-1967):  s. of Shri  G. D. Somani; b. at Calcutta, November 1, 1932; ed. at Elphinstone College, Bombay and Institute of Science, Bombay; m. Shrimati Draupadi Somani, February 5, 1952; 1 s. and 1 d.; Industrialist and Businessman; Justice of Peace, Greater Bombay; Hon. Secretary, Mayor's Council of International Relations, Bombay; President, Junior Chamber of Commerce, Bombay, 1965-66; participated as the guest Speaker in the American Management Association (New York ) Seminar on " India-Investment  Opportunities " in May, 1966. Social activities:  Actively associated with a number of student, civic, cultural and leadership organisations like Junior Chamber of Commerce. Hobby:  Reading. Favourite pastime and recreation:  Indian classical music. Special interests:  Professional Business Management and meeting people. Sports and clubs:  Life Member, Willingdon Sports Club, Bombay and Member, Bombay Gymkhana. Travels abroad:  Travelled round : world in 1962 and I966. Permanent address:  Shreeniwas House, Waudby Road, Bombay-1-B.R.