Sharma , Shri Harish Chandra

Sharma , Shri Harish Chandra

Party Name : Independents
Constituency : Jaipur
State : Rajasthan
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 2

More Information :
SHARMA, SHRI HARISH CHANDRA, Ind. (Rajasthan— Jaipur—1957): S. of Shri Chandra Bhanji Sharma; B. Samod, Jaipur, July 18, 1927; ed. at Marwari Vidyalaya, Bombay; m. Shrimati Manful Devi; 2 S. and 2 D.; Social and Political worker; Secretary, Hind Kisan Panchayat, Jaipur District, Socialist Party, Jaipur District, Mehtar Union, Jaipur, Rashtriya Rikshaw Union, St. Xavier's Employees Union, P.W.D. Workers' Union, Press Workers' Union, Jaipur City; Was associated with former State Praja Mandal, Jaipur, Congress, Socialist Party and Praja Socialist Party.

Social activities: Uplift of Harijans and Depressed Classes, education and social reform of the poor. Favourite pastime and recreation: Sight-seeing; Motor-driving and Swimming. Special interests: Labour and Co-operative movement.  Sports: Boxing and Football. Travels abroad: Burma, Madagascar, Cape Town.  Permanent address: Samod House, Fort Road, Jaipur. [Voting results at the Election: Electorate: 3,82,596 Shri Harish Chandra Sharma .. 61,270 Shri Sadiq Ali ..                     56,766]