Shah , Smt. Jayaben

Shah , Smt. Jayaben

Party Name : Congress
Constituency : Amreli
State : Gujarat
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 3 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 4

More Information :
SHAH SHRIMATI JAYABEN M.A., Cong (Gujarat-Amreli-1967):  d. of Shri Tribhuvand as Shah; b. at Bhavnagar October 1, 1922; m. Shrivaju-bhai Shah, April 7, 1945; 1 s. and 1 d; Political and Social worker; Member, Saurashtra Constituent Assembly, 1948—52; Member, Legislative Assembly, Saurashtra, 1952-56 ,and Bombay 1956-57; Deputy Education  Minister ,Saurashtra , 1955-56 President, Saurashtra Council of Child Welfare, 1954—58; Vice-President, (i) Council of Child Welfare, Gujarat State, 1961—66; and (ii) Association for Social and Moral Hygiene, Gujarat Branch; Indian Delegate to World Health Conference, Geneva, 1962; Member, (i) Estimates Committee, Lok Sabha, 1962-63; (ii) Executive Committee Congress Parliamentary Party 1963-64, (iii) Executive Committee, All India Panchayat Parishad, (iv) All India Animal Welfare Board, Government of India; and (v) All India Nature Cure Advisory Committee, Government of India; Secretary, Gujarat Panchayat Parishad; Member, Second Lok Sabha 1957—62; and Third Lok Sabha, 1962—67. Social activities:  Associated in various capacities in the fields of Khadi and Village industries, Bhoodan and Village uplift, uplift of backward classes, especially in Bhangi-Mukti; also associaled with various institutions for Basic Education, and Higher Rural Education. Travels abroad:  England, France, Germany, Italy, Denmark, Switzerland, U.A.R. and Lebanon. Permanent address:  Sanatorium, Rajkot, Saurashtra.