Sema , Shri Shikiho

Sema , Shri Shikiho

Party Name : Congress (I)
Constituency : Nagaland
State : Nagaland
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 9

More Information :
SEMA, SHRI SHIKIHO, M.A., [Congress (I)—Nagaland, 1989]:  s. of Shikulho; b. at Old Shena, Zunheboto District, Nagaland, April 14, 1946; ed. at Guwahati University; m. Hetoli Sema, February 13, 1977, 3 s. and 1 d.; Political Worker; Public Offices held:  Minister of State, Nagaland, 1982-86, Cabinet Minister, Nagaland, 1986-88; Previous Association with Political Parties:  President, Y. Cong(I), 1977-84, Chief Whip, CLP(I), 1987-88, General Secretary, PCC(I), 1988-89, President, PCC(I), Nagaland; Previous Membership:  Legislative Assembly, Nagaland, 1982-88;

Committee Experience:  Member, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Defence, 1990;

Favourite Pastime and Recreation:  Reading and writing, sports and games;

Special Interests:  Travelling;

Social Activities:  Social forestry; creation of hygienic conditions in slums to make these habitable; Member, Court of North Eastern Hili University, Shillong, October, 1990;

Permanent Address:  Daklane, Kohima, Nagaland—797001, Tel. No. 2277.