Santosham , Dr. M.

Santosham , Dr. M.

Party Name : Swatantra Party
Constituency : Tiruchendur
State : Madras
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 4

More Information :
SANTOSHAM, Dr. M., M.B.B.S., F.C.C.P., Swa., (Madras—Tiruchendur—1967): s. of Shri A. Santosham; b. at Nazereth, Madras State, June 21, 1913; ed. at Madras Medical College and College of Chest Physicians. U.S.A., m. Shrimati Suseela Santosham, April 12, 1944; 3 s. and 2 d.; Medical Consultant; Superintendent, Tuberculosis Sanitorium, Santoshpuram Madras ; associated with the Indian National Congress from 1930 to 1958; Councillor, Madras Corporation for two terms— 1944 and 1957; President, (1) Indian Medical Association, Madras City Branch, 1955-56; (2) Indian Medical Association, South India, 1957-58. Social activities:  President, Indian Christian Association, Madras, 1964—66: Vice-President, (1) All India Council of Indian Christians, 1966-67; (2) Y.M.C.A. Board of Directors, 1964-65 and 1965-66; President. Madras State Volleyball Association, 1950—67; Member, Sports Council, Madras, 1964-65. Hobbies:  Writing and music. Favourite pastime and recreation:  Western music (vocal). Special interest:  Community work in slums. Publications:  "What every one ought to know about T.B."; contributed several scientific articles on Pulmonary Tuberculosis in medical journals. Travels abroad:  France, U.K. and U.S.A. Permanent address:  30, Srinivasanagar, Madras-30.