Sambandhan , Shri S.K.

Sambandhan , Shri S.K.

Party Name : Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam
Constituency : Tiruthani
State : Madras
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 4

More Information :
.SAMBANDHAN, SHRI S. K., B.A., D.M.K., (Madras—Tiruthani—1967):  s. of Shri Kuppa-mudaliar; b. at Kurinjipadi, South Arcot Distt., April 21, 1921; ed. at  St. Joseph's  High   School, Cuddalore  and  Madras  Christian  Collage; m. Shrimati  Rukmani  August, 1945; 3  s. and  1 d.; Businessman ; associated  with  the  Indian  National  Congress till 1950; President, (1) Kurinjipadi  Co-operative Agricultural Bank; (2) Town Panchayat, Kurinjipadi; (3) Madras State Handloom Industry and Trade Association; Director, (1) Madras Handloom Finance Corporation; (2) Madras State Handloom Weavers Cooperative Society Ltd.; Chairman, Kamakshiamma Cooperative Spinning Mills, Kanjeepuram; Member, Administrative Council of the Handloom Export Promotion Council; Member, Madras Legislative Council, 1959—66.

Social activities:  Founder-correspondent of the S. K. Velayutham High School, Kurinjipadi; president, Pattimanram-Tamil Section of Y.M.C.A., Madras. Hobby:  Reading. Favourite pastime and recreation:  Tennis and playing cards. Special interests:  Promotion of Handloom industry and Cooperation. Travels abroad:  Travelled widely round the World, particularly, U.S.A., and the Far Eastern countries a number of times. Permanent address:  71, Harrington Road, Madras-31.