Saini , Shri Pratap Singh

Saini , Shri Pratap Singh

Party Name : Samajwadi Party
Constituency : Amroha
State : Uttar Pradesh
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 11

More Information :
Positions Held : 1991-92 Member, Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly Member, Library Committee and Environment Committee, Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly 1996 Elected to Lok Sabha (Eleventh) Member, State Working Committee, Samajwadi Party
Literary, Artistic and Scientific Accomplishments : Interested in social activities, service to the disabled
Social and Cultural Activities : Established educational institutions for eradication of illiteracy to provide relief to people affected by natural calamities like fire and flood; organised cultural programmes
Special Interests : Resolving the problems of the poor, dalits, backwards and minority community
Favourite Pastime and Recreation : Organising Kavi Sammelans; folk-dances, debates and plays
Sports and Clubs : Football, volleyball and kabaddi; organised wrestling tournaments
Other Information : Established voluntary organisations and educational institutions; General Secretary, Saini Sabha,Distt. Moradabad, 1974-80; President, Saini Sabha, Distt. Moradabad, 1992 onwards
Election Result : Amroha Lok Sabha constituency Total electorate 11,83,008 Total votes polled 6,74,418 Votes polled in favour of the first four leading candidates: (1) Shri Pratap Singh Saini (S.P.) 2,57,905 (2) Shri Chetan Chauhan (B.J.P.) 2,10,305 (3) Shri Rashid Alvi (B.S.P.) 1,37,229 (4) Shri Kanshi Ram (I.N.C.) 41,383