Roy , Shri A.K.

Roy , Shri A.K.

Party Name : Marxist Coordination
Constituency : Dhanbad
State : Bihar
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 3 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 9

More Information :
ROY, SHRI A. K., M.Sc., [Marxist Coordination—Bihar, Dhanbad, 1989]:  s. of Late S.C. Roy; b. at Sapura, Rajshahi District, Bangladesh, June 15, 1935; ed. at Calcutta University; unmarried; Teacher, Litterateur, Journalist, Social Worker; Previous Association with Political Parties:  Member, Communist Party of India (Marxist), Bihar, 1966—71; Previous Membership:  Sixth Lok Sabha, 1977—79; Seventh Lok Sabha 1980—84; Legislative Assembly, Bihar, 1967—69, 1969—71, 1972—74;

Committee Experience:  Member, Consultative Committees, Energy, 1977—79, 1980—83, Fertilizer and Chemicals, 1983-84; Member, Library Committee, Bihar Legislative Assembly, 1969—71; Member, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Energy, 1990;

Favourite Pastime and Recreation:  Reading, gardening; 

Publications:  Yojana Aur Kranti (Hindi); Jharkhand Aur Lalkhand (Hindi); Birsa to Lenin (English); New Dalit Revolution;

Social Activities:  Welfare of tribals and colliery workers;

Other Information:  Engineer and Assistant Technologist, Planning and Development Division, Fertilizer Corporation of India, Sindri, October 1961—January 1967;

Permanent Address:  Temple Road, Dhanbad, Bihar.