Reddy , Shri R. Dasaratharama

Reddy , Shri R. Dasaratharama

Party Name : Congress
Constituency : Kavali
State : Andhra Pradesh
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 4

More Information :
REDDY, SHRI R. DASARATHARAMA, B.A., L.L.B., Cong., (Andhra Pradesh—Kavali—1967):  s. of  Shri Rebala Harischandra Reddy; b. at Kavali Distt. Nellore November 30, 1907; ed at Pachiappa's College ,Madras and Banaras Hindu University; m. Shrimati Kousalyamma, May 1, 1934; 2 s. and 2 d.; Agriculturist and Advocate; Public Prosecutor, Nellore, 1947—52; President, (1) District Cooperative Bank, Nellore from 1934 for; about 20 years; (2) Andhra State Cooperative: bank, 1959—62; (3) Andhra Pradesh State Co-operative  Bank, 1962—64; (4) Madras State Cooperative Marketing Federation. 1952; Vice-president, Madras State Cooperative Bank, 1948—51; Member, (1) Andhra University Senate, 1937—39; (2) District Board, Nellore; (3) Andhra Pradesh, State Land Mortgage Bank; (4) State Transport Authority, Andhra Pradesh, 1966-67; (5) Executive Committee, Andhra Pradesh Cooperative Marketing Federation, 1963—65 (6) V.R. College Committee, Nellore, 1936-39 Non-official Member, All India Cooperative Administration Reforms Committee, 1964; Secretary. Kashivi Devi Government High School, Nellore, for over 12 years; Member, Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly, 1960—67. Favourite pastime and recreation:  Tennis and Bridge. Sports and Clubs:  Cosmopolitan Club, Madras, Presidency Club, Madras, Fateh Maidan Club, Hyderabad; Constitution Club, New Delhi. Permanent address:  Advocate, Wahab Street, Nellore (A.P.).